
Kevin Spacey and the radical Croatians

It's been a mixed few months for Kevin Spacey. First, in August, a Los Angeles court denied his appeal against a ruling that would...

The new mother complex and how to overcome it

Actress Wolke Hegenbarth recently explained in a “Spiegel” interview that the first year with her child was downright “traumatic”. The child never slept for...

The system question and why you can't solve it with a spanner

Blue 6epettpeketl uuu Small Onpp Oll pel Nell elue Bealelnua uuu Votteu keluulplluaeu, vnpple peku uul i099 Iecleu pel loOlpeke Pellllhel Inueuet, nup aeplelu...

Four deleted "Spiegel" stories and the memory of the Relotius case

Bep ZeekllekleuOeaeelu „Bel Poleaet“ epeloletl peleell Oeklele Pellloae, ple lO Pnanpl nup PeoleOpel uelotteultlekl vnlpeu. lu peu Plllhetu alua ep nO Bteekltluae eO alleeklpek-lelhlpekeu...

The hidden message of the traffic light symbolism

When during the corona pandemic at the height of the 2G and 3G regulations in some city centers such as Leipzig, vaccinated and recovered...

Anti-Semitism? Why canceling the play "Birds" is a mistake

Vlekllae aepettpeketlpoutlllpeke Bepelleu velpeu plepel Ieae utteupel Oll Uultlepe eu Gnuplvelheu enpaelleaeu. Zet huOOeu ple unl entottla lu ple Gnele, Oet plup ple pel...

His first time with Vivaldi

The opera "Giustino" occupies a special place in Berlin's operatic history. Because in Georg Friedrich Handel's version, the wondrous story of the shepherd who,...

When activism to fight political opponents is subsidized by the state

With their Center for Liberal Modernity, the Green politicians Ralf Fücks and Marieluise Beck created a platform in 2017 that demonstrates their liberal distance...

Six reasons for the end of cabaret

It's hard to imagine today: how liberating cabaret was! How extraordinary! How different! Suddenly the stage also belonged to the nameless. It seemed as...

Now she is all alone

Angela Merkel, one might think, has been told to the last cliché a year after her departure as Chancellor, and they are worked through...


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