
Then we just switch to battery operation

Functioning societies need one thing above all: energy. All of human history is based on finding fuel: from firewood for campfires to grains for...

"Are you a… sex worker?"

We had an appointment at midnight in front of the Café de Flore in Paris. For a year we wrote to each other, today...

In the land of empty provinces

When the accuracy of an analysis proves its effectiveness - then Sergio del Molino has created a masterpiece. In 2016 he published a book,...

Why the distinction between healthy and sick is an illusion

Covid has shown with full force that the human condition is not just about life or death, but about all sorts of intermediate states...

Wolfgang Pohrt was anything but a salon communist

As the biographer of Wolfgang Pohrts and his publisher, I naturally read with great interest the sympathetic article by Ulf Poschardt about Karl Held...

Even years after the abortion, she regrets nothing

The pregnancy is said goodbye, I live alone in my body again. Despite abdominal pain and bleeding, I am happy. As if I had...

Putin's ladder. Nine levels of nuclear escalation

Bel ple Oelpleu Zeupekeu tontl ple Bleae, up elu Fellpekel (upel elu Ueup) Znhteelvetteu elupelel, pelent kluenp, up el (upel ep) plek petel eulpekelpel...

Euthanasia. The language rules annoy me

Jean-Luc Godard committed suicide using euthanasia. Alain Delon intends to do the same. Accordingly, the euthanasia debate has started again in France, and it...

Why all the empathic people are the new narcissists

GenO elue Boklahell pekelul kenle pu nunOpllllleu ettllOlell en velpeu vle ple BOoelkle. Zll eupeleu Olltekteu, plek lu eupele klueluuelpeleeu, ple elaeue Belpoehllue elvellelu...

The District will turn Barcelona into the European capital of Real Estate

The District is the new international event dedicated to Real Estate from the perspective of capital and investment markets, a great summit that was...


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