
Four million people in Germany do not speak German at home

In almost 80 percent of private households in Germany, only German is spoken within their own four walls. Another 15 percent are so-called multilingual...

Left tip missing from Wagenknecht's call for "demarcation to the right"

The leaders of the left remain critical of their party colleague Sahra Wagenknecht's call for a demonstration for peace in Ukraine on February 25....

"It's like a drop in the sea," says the Ukrainian soldier about the leopard

Ple plekeu uul peu pelpeu Beueelu vle ple plel Znphellele: Pullp Blplullnp (PBB), Benlpekteupp uenel, tulpekel UellelplanuapOlulplel; Gtehpll Zehelev, pel epeutettp uuek uene, plotuOellpekel...

Weapons for Russia? Nobody knows where Beijing stands

China's position in the Ukraine war is like a black box. At the Munich Security Conference, China's top foreign politician, Wang Yi, announced a...

SPD leadership advocates tax increases – Lindner rejects them

Finance Minister Christian Lindner has clearly rejected calls for tax increases in the course of budget deliberations for 2024. The additional wishes of the...

"Now the Germans are delivering tanks again, they haven't learned anything"

Petppl ple 2i 6lep lu pel oletteu Puuue eu plepeO atekeupeu kelQeu Beplnellea lu Pneuup Pllep ketleu peu 0i-lokllaeu Pputtu Belee Bppnluet ulekl ent....

Buschkowsky – Voters want to turn away from “left ideological course”

Neukölln's former district mayor Heinz Buschkowsky (SPD) spoke out in sharp words against a continuation of the government of the SPD, the left and...

Annalena Baerbock wants an “ambassador for feminist foreign policy”

According to a media report, Annalena Baerbock (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) wants to appoint an ambassador for feminist foreign policy. This emerges from a draft...

Russian troll action – Merkel calls fake Poroshenko

According to the Russian trolls Wowan and Lexus, who specialize in disinformation, former Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) fell for a staged phone call about...

"These people don't recognize their bodies"

WORLD: How many people come to you?Bernhard Schieffer: Between 50 and 100 patients register every day, we see ten to twelve people a day....



Eindhoven bewoners snel terug naar huis na nachtelijke brand

Bewoners Eindhoven snel terug naar huis na nachtelijke brandZaterdag 8 maart 2025 - 18:00Inwoners van een appartementencomplex in Eindhoven konden snel weer naar huis...

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