
Habeck gives the go-ahead for the reform of the electricity system

Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck gave the go-ahead for the reform of the electricity system. The Greens politician opened the "Platform for a...

The power of the "rocking states"

The competition between the great powers is back with the Ukraine war at the latest. On the one hand the West, the USA, Europe,...

"Tumultuous", "scary" – now it's also boiling in Bavaria

Blaeultlek pepnekeu ulettelekl elue Feupuutt Zeupekeu ple 6eOelupelelppllenuaeu lO pevellpekeu Neoteupult. Ppel eu plepeO Iea Bupe Ieunel plup ep Oekl etp t9, vellenp Oekl,...

Hatred of women unites many extremists, but the authorities often turn a blind eye

Pnek plel Iekle ueek peO lepplpllpekeu Pupektea lu Feuen vllp peppeu Uulaepeklekle vellel nulelpnekl. Bel pnlek ple Pnupepeuvetlpeketl peplettle tuleuplpeke Bpveklelel Feuulua PeQ kel...

"It's not about transgender people. It's about children"

Shortly before her 20th birthday, Phoebe went from man to woman. After years of hormone therapy, her sex reassignment surgery took place. "The doctors...

Wüst demands significantly more money from the federal government for refugee accommodation

In the dispute over the burden on the states and municipalities from the increased number of refugees, North Rhine-Westphalia's Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst (CDU)...

"Will put decision on accession negotiations on the agenda this year"

VBUI: Ple kepeu plek lu pel Uelaeuaeukell ukue Noaelu tel ple Uletelnua uuu Beueelu enpaepoluekeu. Bel Vhlelue aekl lelel ple Znullluu enp nup ple...

Berlin SPD invites the Greens and the Left to exploratory talks

In Berlin, the exploratory talks that started on Friday will continue at regular intervals from the beginning of the week. After the meeting of...

It's about nothing less than "fitness for war," says one general

In the end, everything in international security policy revolves around the question: How much "hard power" can a country put together? "It's good to...

I am shocked at the betrayal of an old confidant

While the trial against 47 democracy activists and politicians is ongoing in Hong Kong, Chinese balloons are being burst all over the world. I...



Stijging van seksuele misdrijven gemeld door politie in eind 2024

Politie meldt stijging van seksuele misdrijven in eind 2024Op zondag 9 maart 2025 om 10:30 uur publiceerde de politie jaarlijkse cijfers waaruit blijkt dat...

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