
Marlaska bet on the election in the Congress of the 20 members of the...

the minister of The Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, has been declared in Bilbao as a strong advocate of the parliamentary election, not only...

Married recognizes that the choice of Marchena them has been a “wear-out electoral and...

the president of The PP, Paul is Married, has acknowledged Thursday that the political crisis opened by the election failed of the...

The prosecutors of the ‘Punic’ ask for more time to close the investigation

The prosecutors who investigate the case Punic of corruption have requested the investigating judge Manuel Garcia-Castellon to extend the period of instruction...

Dies run over by a plane in Moscow to an Armenian deported from Spain

A young man who was allegedly deported from Spain to Armenia, and he died last night in the airport Sheremétievo after being...

The judge calls on the Government to lift the secrecy in the case of...

The judge of the National Audience, Diego Egea is going to request the Council of Ministers to lift the Official Secrets Act...

Scratches of tragic love in a shady greenhouse

In a greenhouse and eaten by time, with the iron bitten by the years and the yearnings or desires that you have...

The mexican culture is mobilized to Taibo direct the editorial in the State, despite...

The mexican writer born in Gijón, Paco Ignacio Taibo II, might not arrive to take possession of the office as director of...

CEOE elected by acclamation to Antonio Garamendi as the new president

Antonio Garamendi has been elected by acclamation as the new president of the great patronal CEOE. He is the only candidate that...

The possible advancement of the general bursts into the campaign of andalusia

“Nor I contemplate that arrives or I hope nobody is thinking,” said Diaz on Tuesday, before visiting a factory canning in Isla...


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