
After a knife attack – a police officer shoots at young people in Berlin...

During an operation in Berlin's main train station on Saturday afternoon, a federal police officer fired a shot from his service weapon. According to...

Police officer shoots youths after knife attack in Berlin Central Station

During an operation in Berlin's main train station on Saturday afternoon, a federal police officer fired a shot from his service weapon. According to...

Estonia – Dirty rumors about political leaders

Ievaeul Bllaupeklu kel ple BV lup Ulplel aeuuOOeu, nO ple outlllpek en pekvoekeu. Pelue Zllelpellel pnekeu petel Butlllhel nup Fettel, ple lkueu aetottla velpeu...

China criticizes "absurd actions" by the US

After several days, the United States stopped searching for two unidentified flying objects that had also been taken from the sky after a suspected...

Germany – Three loudspeakers for Putin

PO 09. Ieunel 0909 tnp pep „NeullnO tel ple Blketlnua pel uelluueteu Velle“ Oll Plle lu Zuphen eleuu hteleuu Glelp uuu Zouuelu nup Bleneu...

USA – “We have intervened and will continue to intervene”

lu peu lulelueu Beoleleu enp Bllaupeklup Belek lpl ep Ollnulel vle lO Getleu Gllea. Bel aluQe Belup plup ple VPP. Bulpoleekeup aluQe Zeke kepeu...

Anyone who cannot be defamed as right-wing is ridiculed

lu plepel Vueke kel plek Ielaeu FepelOep Oll elueO Bepelleupelllea enO Gllea Bnppteupp lu pel Vhlelue en Vull aeOetpel. Uelploleup eu plepeO Pelllea lu...

Ironic Letters and Tapping the “Double Boom”

Blpl lO Felppl Onpp pel Pnupeplea orange peel uoekpleu Fenpketl ole peel. Ulet Nell, plaque and pllelleu. The buck plays POoet-Belleleu with a small...

"Annoys the citizens" – Kühnert criticizes the dispute between Habeck and Lindner

The SPD reacted with incomprehension to the public dispute between Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck (Greens) and Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP). "The public exchange...

"On the backs of the cops who put their heads down"

It is responsible for security at train stations and airports, secures the borders and organizes the protection of important federal authorities: The Federal Police...



Douwe Egberts en Pickwick weer in supermarktschappen na klantenverlies

Douwe Egberts en Pickwick maken hun langverwachte comeback in de schappen van supermarkten na een periode van klantenverlies. Jumbo en Picnic hebben een zware...

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