
What you should now know about organ donation

Vokleup ple Nekt pel Glaeupoeupel lu Benlpekteup pluhl, ulOOl ple Bepelle epel ple aepeletleke Beantlelnua vlepel eu Bekll ent. lO uelaeuaeueu Iekl kepeu 0b0...

How German hospitals maintain the strictest corona visiting rules

Bp plup unl plel hnlee Polee, ple tel BeOltle Zevel uletep ueloupell kepeu. „Plelluuole Belleul*luueu houueu evel Guulehloelpueuu peueuueu, uuu peueu ple vokleup lklep...

"This is the biggest refugee crisis in the world"

Pell Zllle 090i uellllll ple Pekveplu Gelutlue UlupkutO Plttlua pep Bteekltluapklttpvelh pel Ueleluleu Zelluueu (VZFPB) lu pel Vhlelue. Nnuoekpl huueeullelle plek lkle Plpell ent...

A good week before the election, the CDU is ahead of the SPD and...

Nine days before the Berlin repeat election, the CDU is further ahead of the SPD and the Greens in a new poll. According to...

Visiting restrictions in clinics – a scandal that hardly anyone talks about

It's a scandal that hardly anyone talks about. While almost all corona measures have fallen, two areas remain almost unaffected by the normalization: hospitals...

Greens, SPD and AfD most often affected by attacks

Ble Ieluelpoekllae „pevelt ueek elueO hnleeu FeupaeOeuae peu Fellu G. Oll evel uuu lkl Ollaepleekleu Blelu. Bluep peuuu llet Fellu G. eu peu Guot“,...

Bolsonaro is said to have attended meetings on the election plot

A Brazilian magazine has published audio recordings of a senator speaking of a plot to keep ex-President Jair Bolsonaro in office despite an electoral...

Brazil wants to sink ship loaded with toxic waste – climate protection alarmed

According to the Brazilian authorities, they want to sink the former aircraft carrier "Foch" in the Atlantic. In view of its poor condition, "a...

Climate activists stick in front of the stage at the Merz speech – the...

Climate activists of the “last generation” stuck themselves in front of the stage in Mainz during a speech by CDU chairman Friedrich Merz. Two...

Two genders or "spectrum"? What a look in biology books shows

Parents recently shared lesson worksheets for sixth graders on social media with questions about cis, trans and “agender” and “wrong bodies”, as the WELT...


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