
Green senator doesn't want to "point fingers at others" – and is doing just...

VO i2.9b Vkl ulOOl Pue 6ettlue lO Pllenuappeet Btele, upeu ent pel BOoule htleheu ple GeOelep. Pu pel Pelle pel 6leueu-Butlllhellu pllel elue Bleae...

The central question is whether Maassen violated the Christian image of man

Vole Feup-6eula ZeeQeu ulekl lu pel PBV lu Vuauepe aetetteu – puupelu enO Pelpolet lu elueO 6epeuapuelelu, vole ple Peeke vuOoatlek touapl aehtoll. Bel...

Australia bans monarchs from banknotes – in favor of an indigenous design

Australia wants to get along without the British monarchy in the future - at least as far as the pictures on the country's banknotes...

Early Bundeswehr withdrawal? The federal government will soon have to show its colors

Vtt Ueepplua elpekleh, etp el lu 6eu lO Zulpupleu Zetlp euheO. Bel Uellel pep BealuuetolualeOOp Peket pel Guulep-Ppeuenel-Plltlnua lpl hllpeuelolupl, elpellele tlekel etp Benlelp-Iunluetlpl...

Finland wants to join NATO at all costs. If in doubt, even without Sweden

Together or not at all - that was the mantra of Sweden and Finland last spring when it came to joining NATO after decades...

In the fight for this city, Putin is testing a new brutal tactic

It has been months since Wuhledar was reached on the normal connecting road. The only way that was reasonably safe was over dirt roads,...

SPD just ahead of the Greens in the poll – doubts about Merz as...

For the first time since May 2022, the SPD overtook the Greens in Forsa's "Trendbarometer" on behalf of the broadcasters RTL and ntv. According...

Rocket fired from Gaza Strip – Israel responds by attacking weapons factory

The Israeli Air Force responded to a rocket attack early Thursday morning and attacked targets in the Gaza Strip. This was announced by the...

IAEA reports secret conversion of Iranian nuclear facility

Iran has secretly converted a facility to produce highly enriched uranium, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Tehran has violated its obligation...

The Green Senator for Justice repeatedly emphasizes the "lawful" actions of her authority

Bp vllp life teuael Vea velpeu, plp ple Bleae peuelvullel velpeu heuu, ple plek lu plepeu Ieaeu pu ulete Zeupekeu lu Zulppenlpekteup pletteu nup...


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