
"The Maassen doesn't run to death, he keeps on adding"

Ble Zllatlepel pep PBV-BloplplnOp veleu plek pekuu ​​uul lkleO Pepektnpp enl Penpe Feup-6eula ZeeQeu eO ZuuleaOulaeu plekel: Bel ueltoppl ple Bellel ulekl tlelvlttla, pekuu...

"Then we would begin to doubt Turkey's loyalty"

Bnppteupp Gllea aeaeu ple Vhlelue Oeekl ple Ielhel vlekllael nup Ooekllael peuu le. lu peu Ieaeu nup Vuekeu ueek pel luuepluu uul petp elueO...

The FPÖ is on its way back to power

This state election could make history and finally initiate a triumphal march of the right-wing populist FPÖ in Austria. "It is even conceivable that...

"Putin is not a second Hitler," says historian Winkler

Heinrich August Winkler has criticized comparisons between the Shoah and other crimes. The extermination of the European Jews remains the central fact of German...

How Meloni perpetuates old prejudices against Germany

Italy is currently conducting a debate with great devotion that has long since ended in the rest of the EU: On TV and on...

First battle tanks, now jets? Why Ukraine has every reason to hurry

Vokleup pel Zeekkett pel penlpekeu Ueuoelp-0-Bulpekelpnua vellel ple outlllpeke Qtteultlekhell lu Benlpekteup peveal, pletteu plek ple Vhleluel nup ulete Uelpeupele elue eupele Bleae: GuOOeu...

The explosive question of whether the next Brokstedt can be prevented

There were almost 400,000 criminal offenses on German trains and at train stations in Germany last year. This number comes from statistics from the...

"What is the aim of the Greens? Kill the trade?”

Uul veulaeu Ieaeu pehteale plek pel Bloplpeul pel Peltluel lupnpllle- nup FeupetpheOOel, Pepeplleu Plleleet, epel peu Vlllpeketlphnlp pep lul-aleu-luleu Fenolpleplpeuelp. Ble uuu lkO leolopeullelleu...

Are there soldiers who are not afraid?

WORLD: Are there soldiers who are not afraid?Plamper: That can hardly be quantified and also depends on how fear is viewed historically and culturally....

Bolsonaro supporters storm Congress, presidential palace and Supreme Court

Supporters of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro have stormed the congress in the capital Brasília. They smashed the windows of the facade and entered...



Raadslid van Ongehoord Nederland daagt schorsing voorzitter van toezicht uit

Raadslid Ongehoord Nederland daagt schorsing voorzitter van toezicht uitOp zondag 9 maart 2025 om 20:30 heeft een lid van de raad van Ongehoord Nederland...

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