
Finland joining NATO without Sweden? Erdogan's game with the northerners

Together or not at all - that was the mantra of Sweden and Finland last spring when it came to joining NATO after decades...

Why so many young people fail the driving test

Pluhl pep Gouueu lnuael Beklpeketel? Zll plepllpekeu Vulleu velule pel Bekltekleluelpeup heletlek: Ble „ueleltleke Pttlullol enO Uelheklpaepekekeu“ pluhe pel Inaeuptlekeu. „Bel lnuae Zeupek, pel...

Denied abortion for 14-year-olds causes outrage in Poland

Poland's Health Minister Adam Nedzielski has intervened in the case of a 14-year-old mentally disabled girl who had tried unsuccessfully to have an abortion...

Wahl-O-Mat – Which party in Berlin suits me best?

As in every election in Germany, the Federal Agency for Civic Education surveyed the parties standing for election and compiled their projects and positions...

By 2030 at the latest, Jarasch wants only electric cars to drive in downtown...

Bettina Jarasch, the Berlin Senator for the Environment, Mobility, Consumer and Climate Protection and Greens' top candidate for the repeat elections to the Berlin...

Berlin, the second – you need to know that about the parliamentary elections

The parliamentary elections in Berlin will take place on February 12, 2023. The vote will decide who will govern the capital in the coming...

Why the US is no longer ruling out a military strike against Iran

Ulpeuetlop, ple lu pueleteu Zelevelheu hnlpleleu, eelaeu peu ZuOeul pep Pupekteap. lu pel Zeekl ent Puuulea elketteu plel Bvotupluueu Ollleu lO NeullnO pel lleulpekeu...

Olaf Scholz wipes off Saskia Esken

Gelu GuOOeulel enl luueuoutlllh. Pu tenlel elue nuaepekllepeue plotuOellpeke Beaet. Beuu pep vole nukottlek peO 6eplaepel aeaeuepel. Petppluelplouptlek velQ pep enek Gtet Pekute. Bepketp...

Gas is to be promoted in the North Sea – and conservationists want to...

There is not much going on in Borkum so early in the year. A handful of tourists get lost on this cold January morning...

"Fridays for Future" announces protests against the expansion of freeways

The climate movement "Fridays for Future" wants to protest nationwide on Friday against the further expansion of motorways. "Very different forms of protest" are...



Raadslid van Ongehoord Nederland daagt schorsing voorzitter van toezicht uit

Raadslid Ongehoord Nederland daagt schorsing voorzitter van toezicht uitOp zondag 9 maart 2025 om 20:30 heeft een lid van de raad van Ongehoord Nederland...

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