
Serbs set up barricade with trucks in divided city of Mitrovica

Militant Serbs have erected a barricade north of the divided city of Mitrovica for the first time amid current tensions in Kosovo. Several trucks...

Alarm at the civil protection – Even the "warning day" overwhelms some regions

At 11 a.m. sharp on Thursday, the sirens wail across the country, and warning apps and the new Cell Broadcast warning system sound the...

"He shot the two officials like he usually shot game"

The sentence came into play on day seven of the police murder trial before the Kaiserslautern district court. It came from an older chat...

Ex-SPD member of the Bundestag joins the CSU

The former SPD member of the Bundestag Florian Post (41) has joined the CSU. After he left the SPD, the CSU was "the right...

The confiscatory nature of the tax system and the solidarity tax on large fortunes

Joy does not last long in the house of the poor. Just two weeks ago, Congress approved the Start-up Law and -even though it...

Dysfunctional Berlin – “One of the most embarrassing crises in post-war Germany”

VBUI: Fell Pkletu, puttleu vll Peltlu ulekl ple uoekpleu eeku Iekle lu ple Foupe eluel lnlpuheolletlpllpekeu VuleluekOeuppelelnua aepeu, peOll ple Plepl vlepel tnuhlluulell?Iue Pkletu:...

EU Commission wants to relieve citizens with 40 billion euros

According to the will of the EU Commission, households and companies in the EU are to be relieved of a further almost 40 billion...

Tories discuss PM Truss exit

According to a report in the London newspaper The Times, opposition to Prime Minister Liz Truss is increasing in the Conservative Party. Leading Tories...

Rare protest against "dictator Xi Jinping" in Beijing – photos are suppressed

In China, a few days before the party congress of the ruling communists, a rare protest took place in Beijing. Protest banners were seen...

Reiner Haseloff – the federal government must declare a national emergency

Saxony-Anhalt's Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff has asked the federal government to declare a national emergency in view of the energy crisis. The federal states...



Eindhoven bewoners snel terug naar huis na nachtelijke brand

Bewoners Eindhoven snel terug naar huis na nachtelijke brandZaterdag 8 maart 2025 - 18:00Inwoners van een appartementencomplex in Eindhoven konden snel weer naar huis...

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