
"The predictions about the rise of China are wrong"

Many Chinese had wanted this for a long time: in 2016 the one-child policy was finally abolished. Since then, couples have been allowed to...

Elizabeth II: these mayors who refuse to lower the French flag

Put their French flags at half mast in tribute to Elizabeth II, who died this Thursday, September 8? Some French mayors categorically refuse to...

Artwork criticizes anti-Semitism at Documenta – and is taken down

According to his account, artist Leonard Schmidt-Dominé arrived at Documenta on August 16 and unrolled his work. The next morning, construction began at eight...

Alexander Vindman, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, says the West should not bow to Putin's...

They haven't stopped President Vladimir Putin. He put his nuclear forces on high alert over the weekend, raising fears about an escalation.Retired Army Lieutenant...

Biden's pledge to the high court shows increasing power for Black women

With his poll numbers at an all-time low and his party in panic about the midterm elections coming up, Biden reached out to the...

What's his performance? Americans weigh in on Biden’s performance

Georgia's history teacher, who voted for Biden, would grade him with a "C", blaming the president for failing to push earlier for the end...

Biden announces "historic" deal, but must still win votes

He still needs to secure votes from his key colleagues in order to pass the bill, which is now dramatically reduced.Biden was eager to...

Cheney sees'turning point' for Celebration Turned into Trump: The Ruling

The through-line, as is frequently for the GOP, is exactly what Trump believes is great for him.Republicans are furious that Facebook would violate former...

Biden says That He Can Not give a date when COVID-19 Catastrophe will Finish

The website is a crucial hub for manufacturing the vaccine,'' the White House stated, and the excursion was developed to emphasize Biden's attempts to...

Municipal in Toulouse: Jean-Luc Moudenc as the loser, according to a survey

The battle of the Capitol may be tight on Sunday during the second round of municipal in Toulouse. According to an Ifop...



Klachten over malafide rioolreinigers in Nederland: Duizenden euro’s voor standaardklusjes

Malafide rioolreinigers in Nederland misleiden klanten en loodgieters voor duizenden euro'sDuizenden euro's voor standaardklusjes? Het klinkt als een absurd bedrag, maar voor vele ongelukkige...

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