
Even though numbers are increasing, refugees from Ukraine tell heartbreaking stories.

The nurse, 44 years old, from Chernihiv in northern Ukraine said that she didn't know if she had a place to call home. "Our...

After the Turkmenistan presidential elections, there is no result.

Serdar Berdymukhamedov was the overwhelming favorite in Saturday’s early vote in the gas-rich Central Asian nation. He is the son of incumbent Gurbanguly. Turkmenistan usually...

Peru's "worst environmental disaster" slams small scale fishing

This is where he fished for over three decades. He tried several times to cast a hook in the waters off Peru's coast, but...

Iran claims missile barrage at the US consulate in Iraq

Sunday's protest by the Iraqi Foreign Ministry against the attack on Iran, which it called a flagrant violation its sovereignty, saw the ambassador summoned...

Russian airstrikes escalate in west Ukraine

This barrage was an escalation in Moscow's offensive, and it moved the fighting dangerously close to the Polish border. The attack on NATO member-countries was...

Investigative findings reveal that the designer of Alaska's flag was not 13 but 14.

This change signifies that he created the flag with the Big Dipper, the North Star and a simple blue field when he was 14...

Are the U.S. prepared to accept Ukrainian refugees?

More than 2.5 million fled Ukraine during the conflict's initial two weeks. Global outrage has been sparked by the historic exodus of mostly children and...

The 200 million Muslims in India may be concerned by India's election results

This election was seen as a test for Prime Minister Narendra Modi before he seeks a third term. The BJP won more seats than 270...

Ukraine war at 2-week mark. Russians slow down, but not stop

However, the invading force with more than 150,000 troops still has significant and potentially decisive firepower advantages as they attack key cities. Moscow's primary objective,...

A 'terrible nightmare' for Ukrainian women: A global holiday

According to the United Nations on Tuesday, 2 million refugees fled Europe. This is the largest exodus Europe has witnessed since World War II....



Directeur Jeugddorp De Glind over ernstige misstanden: Elk signaal is een...

Directeur Jeugddorp De Glind over ernstige misstanden: Elk signaal is een opdracht Het jeugddorp De Glind in Gelderland heeft lange tijd te kampen gehad met...

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