Cross-country skiing, shoveling snow, and cycling are the three most common sudden death related to exertion the form.Cycling is good exercise, but it can also be dangerous, as the video shows.
the strain origin of sudden death in the background is nearly always coronary heart disease, which is often mentioned only after the autopsy.
90% of the physical exertion in the context of the dead are men.
graduate in Medicine Tom Toukola the thesis the aim has been to find the strain origin of cardiac arrest to the characteristic peculiarities.
according to the Study, cross-country skiing, shoveling snow, and cycling are the three most common sudden death related to exertion the form.
About 10-15% of sudden death where the death is associated with physical exertion.
Coronary heart disease in terms of exercise is a complex thing.
If the disease is diagnosed, regular physical activity reduce sudden death.
However, it often happens that after diagnosis physical activity reduced, which again increases the mortality.
the Physical burden of the cross should find out. MOSTPHOTOS
Cardiogenic sudden death is the most common cause of death in western countries.
in These cases, the person will die in less than an hour of symptoms beginning.
Death can in these cases came as a bolt from the blue also in the middle circle. and the time of death is surprising, not only for people themselves but also the middle circle.
the dissertation research findings in the future should be of paramount importance to identify those individuals with elevated risk of physical exertion caused by pollution.
Coronary heart disease risk factors and symptoms should be taken into account in particular the middle-age to cross through the men before heavy exercise forms of initiation.
If your family history is a coronary heart disease, you should own risk mapping.
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