The old way is better than the new bag, they say. Ayurveda is a millennia old indian holistic well-nillinen view, which has brought a lot of good in western medicine.

Ayurveda is based on the Veda-science and the oldest known texts are about 3000 years old. Literally translated from the sanskrit language ’ayurveda’ means the art of living (auy your = life, veda = knowledge or understanding).

One of these ancient and well-known active substances is Boswellia serrata, which has been used for several millennia joint health. Boswellia serrata is a tree, where to get pihkamaista fluid is processed in a variety of therapeutic purposes balsamea, balm, suitsukkein and even burning in the product. When Boswellia serrata found its way from India to the west, there is no available accurate data. The ancient greeks and romans are said to have used the resin in religious rituals suitsukkeena and egyptians are told palsamoineet body journey to the West country.

the Harvest

Boswellian mahlamainen the liquid extract is carefully recovered without harming the tree’s growth. Boswellian resin does not get very young trees, but it can start to collect only when the tree is at least 8 years old. It is dried gummy resin, which can be Boswellia serrata plant extract. Vitaepro’s diverse composition is the last summer in connection with the reform added Boswellia serrata plant extract, which makes it even more powerful joints. Boswellia serrata is a cooling and pleasant effect on the joints.

Boswellia serrata arthritis

Cochrane reviews 2014* high quality research evidence has shown that Boswellia serrata can maintain joints functioning. Surveyed the plant of Boswellia serrata prove to be the only herb vegetables, the effect of which joint welfare could be verified. So it is no wonder that this product has been used for thousands of years. According to the study, Boswellia serrata includes plenty of impressive ingredients, that help to keep the joints cool and a pleasant feeling. The optimal presence for joints is that they feel at all.

proven safe Boswellia serrata

studies have shown that the plant extract usage caused side effects. In addition, the separate, the plant extract the safety of the evaluative study showed that Boswellia serrata is safe and can be used daily up to 250 mg per kilogram body weight. Boswellia serrataa, however, not recommended for pregnant or pregnancy planning.

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Now even more versatile

the reform of the VitaePro-a dietary supplement composition combining the now familiar powerful natural antioxidant astaxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin and selenium, C and E-vitamin, vitamin D3 and omega-3-fatty acids and now also vitamin B12, as well as Boswellia serrata.

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*Cochrane reviews are systematic in the field of health research summary. They are internationally prestigious, reliable evidence-based review of healthcare methods on the effectiveness.