The closing of the schools for so many days is an event of great importance, something that we and our children will remember for the whole life. A suspension of time, that we were accustomed to until a few weeks ago, that perhaps we need to give answers different from the usual. Allow me some small advice for our difficult days.
The first problem is that families, because the organization of daily life, especially that of those who work and have small children, is undergoing a revolution. Not everyone can gain access to forms of smart working, not all jobs allow it. If the announcements of urgent measures in favour of the families involved will result in action for effective and rapid will be a good thing, if the emergency will result in the activation of fraternal relationships will be a very good thing. Mutual help can be a good answer to feel less alone. Read together, watch together cartoons, movies, series, documentaries, tv, playing a game together. Perhaps this emergency could there be to remember that children are not a burden, but our most valuable assets.