Christmas and new year period to accumulate the extra pounds, which is tiristeltävä out after the year end. This kitukuurin can also avoid.Mince pie is a stocky delicacy, but with the extent to which they too can eat. The video gives tips on a variety of christmas torttujen.

How to avoid colic and too pounds of build-up, when the banquet table you hang around the tempting food?

Quite easily, if recent research is to be trusted. Research report

the Study had 272 persons were divided into two groups. Test time coincided with the christmas and new year in my neighborhood.

in the Second group, i.e. control group people were before the festive period begins with a small booklet, which was the advice of a healthy diet.

the Second group got a lot more in-depth guidance and support.

This group of people should weigh themselves at least twice a week, fuck the reader up and compare it with previously pounds.

This group was given a lot of information about what is an appropriate and adequate portion size. They were encouraged to reduce the consumption of alcohol and soda drink, but to increase physical activity.

They were told the detailed information about how much and what kind of exercise is needed for some christmas treats calories consumption.

as a Finn, an example could be that you can aikinaan baked mince pie contained about 450 calorie consumption have to walk a very brisk hour-long walk.

Christmas can eat well, even if the dish does not fulfil the brim. Mostphotos amazing outcome

the Result was, that the mere health information contained in the info lehdykän received accumulated tracking time weight about a pound.

a Lot of information received not only the remained dimensions, but even a little lost.

Even half a pound can seem like a small number, it is a major issue in a broader context.

Half a pound more a little means in the long term, many pounds.

according to the survey, so be honest with the christmas food front, access to information about what kind of calorie bombs at the table hiding and choose a plate of goodies for the appropriate amount.

you Should also weigh yourself at christmas time every few days and exercise.

none of the above means is not such that it would ruin the party atmosphere.