At the university of oulu developed the weight management programme was reached to permanent changes.Luck two named method has been successful in influencing people eating in terms of attitudes and thoughts.When thoughts of eating and cravings in terms of change, it helps to lose weight.It is hoped that Onnikka is within one year available for all finns.


the Oulu university researchers developed the internet-based Onnikka-weight management program supports permanent lifestyle changes to achieve this.

the Program seeks to influence the dieter’s thoughts and attitudes.

the program to use among weight dropped significantly and most of the new weight is maintained throughout the two year follow-up period.

– Yes this myself quite enthusiastic we are, awarded to professor Markku Savolainen from the university of Oulu.

the Programme aims to guide people to change their own eating-related thoughts and attitudes so that it is done as easily as possible.

– nothing forced. Change making should be comfortable and fun, Savolainen emphasizes.

the Program is based on the so-called persuasion the methods of persuasive design.

for a Moment fundeeraus stop

Onnikka refers to the oulu dialect of the bus.

Onnikka-method in people between the age than going to Onnikka-stop, where he spends a moment to myself or with others.

New ideas are served at this stop, stories, simulations and games. Model, introspection, cognitive behavioral therapy and play.

in Many weight loss from the dream is information more than enough, but nothing still happens. Onnikka seeks to change thoughts and attitudes little by little so that the change is permanent.

– for Example, eating cravings guide you to think so, that why I have it in mind to, Savolainen open.

Onnikka seeks to influence the thoughts and attitudes so that a new attitude to food becomes automatic.

Up to a quarter of the population of working age can be classified as obese, i.e. their bmi is at least 30. Mostphotos for ordinary people

Onnikka using Savolainen, according to easy. It succeeds equally well on a computer than a smart phone.

– It is made specifically for ordinary people.

the Best result in the study was achieved by combining Onnikka the use of cognitive behavioural therapy-based group control.

Savolainen emphasize, that Onnikkaa has been studied in the exceptionally long duration and that was accompanied by a large number of people.

– the Average permanent weight loss was from four to five pounds.

the Number may not sound large, but those of pounds of the importance to the individual and to public health can be really great.

according to the Study, already five pounds of weight loss in preventing the onset of diabetes in two of the three.

In to get all the

Onnikka taken Savolainen request use the Oulu region already this year. Every Finnish available and accessible Onnikka may already be within a year.

Onnikka is not the kind of method that the program should open, for example, many times a day, always before eating. A few Onnikka-stop fermentation a week is enough.

– But the more you use, the better the result is, Savolainen said.

Onnikka-the study involved a total of 532 patients aged 20-60 years are overweight people.

participants had a bmi of study at the beginning of 27-35 kg/m2, i.e. they were overweight or obese.

the participants were divided into groups, some of which used Onnikka weight management program weekly years. Participants were followed for two years and monitoring will continue.

there will be a lot more information, as long as the obtained data we can analyse more.

Varied and personalized

the Mere Onnikka use dropped the weight to about two pounds and the result was permanent.

for Best results Onnikalla reached the obese persons with a bmi between 30-35.

a Special program is that the conventional diet and exercise control in addition to it also pay attention to the feeling of eating, eating aware of the control impulse eating and binge eating.

Each user can be customized to individual guidance, taking into account the previous eating behavior.

it is Essential to provide patients with the application, capable of contributing to each patient’s individual behavior, Savolainen said.

Research published in the Journal of Internal Medicine scientific journal.

the Study was attended by experts from the university of Oulu, Oulu university hospital and the health department.

No more snacking, but a glass of water

Onnikka users experiences have been recorded up to the recent publication in the Journal of Biomedical Informatics journal.

One of the Onnikka-user to report that today he grocery store while visiting the wonders of each product, he needs it really only is he buying something just out of habit.

the Same contemplation is repeated always when he open the refrigerator. Is he hungry or is he the refrigerator just out of habit? Such a he did not before Onnikkaa meditating.

users will thank Onnikkaa also the fact that it allows long-needed self-control is grown and eating temptations fall has been avoided.

the mother of Three children told me he used to be unhelpful in front of the tv napostelija always after that, when he got the kids to bed at night.

– Now put in the evening on the coffee table a glass of water to remind you, that my manners have changed, the woman told me with satisfaction.

the Thing is published for the first time in June 2018.