It could have ended in a disaster since a Boeing 737-700 aircraft from the u.s. Southwest Airlines Thursday of the smoke of the runway in a heavy rain.

the Plane stopped just a few meters before the fence that afskiller the airport and a busy road. However, due to an ingenious invention called Engineered Material Arresting System (EMAS) slap all alive.

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Photo credit: KABC-TV via AP

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EMAS works in principle, as if one had laid the thin ice out to the end of the track. Here is the material, however, not ice, but a special cement as the plane’s wheels and the underside of the sinks in, if it ends outside of the line’s normal length.

As seen in the picture, got Betlike the technology of the aircraft from Southwest Airlines – with 112 passengers and four crew members – to draw a longer ‘bremsespor’ in the cement before it stopped.

the Case is now being investigated further to find out how the incident could happen.

There are many things that need to be checked on the plane, before it goes in the air. Watch and listen here for all the details, the pilots should have mastered during their external inspection of a Boeing 737-800. Video reportage: Heine Jørgensen

Technology – 6. apr. 2016 – pm. 20:19 TV: Your plane never goes in the air before this calculation is made

See how to create balance in an aircraft before it departs. Video reportage: Heine Jørgensen

Technology – 11. jan. 2017 – at. 21:16 Behind the fence at the airport: How to fit the aircraft

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