An emotional Theo Francken (N-VA) is retiring from his post as secretary of state for Asylum and Migration. “I am proud of what I achieved”, he says. He also wishes his successor Maggie De Block (Open Vld) much success. “I’m disappointed, but we contend further, we are not. Don’t forget that I am a boxer am,” said Francken in a speech in a crowded room in his home to Lubbeek.

For hundreds of people and a lot of then taken, he gave an overview of the dossier of the UN-migratiepact that N-VA in government, did the steps, and the fundamental objections of his party against the text. Theo Francken underlined that on Saturday, “total unity” was on the partijraad about the N-VA’s point of view. “It is a pity that the CD&V and Open Vld, so hard effort have done to us from the government push,” says Francken.

According to him, Belgium is best able to abstain from the vote on the UN-migratiepact. That had us less reputation damage than they gained in the cost of investment in defence, or the high debt ratio. “An abstinence of Belgium to the treaty the world would not wake up a minute”, said Theo Francken.

A positive voice with an explanation for the N-VA is unacceptable. Theo Francken referred to the child’s rights convention by Belgium was adopted with an explanation, “but no judge refers to that explanation, which seems without trace disappeared.” That approval provides, according to Francken just for problems, at the close of families awaiting deportation.


“the day After tomorrow I am back mp. I will get that mandate with pride, dossier knowledge and a commitment to fulfill”, he stressed. The party will be in the next few days to consider the rate at the national level, fed will be. The same applies to Lubbeek. Sunday would be the division of the powers of the aldermen be made known, to which Theo Francken again titular mayor. There is a resignation to change in.

In his speech, he emphasized that he and the N-VA Celtabet “in the last two years, not fallen asleep for his” about the UN-migratiepact. He gave a comprehensive overview about the different times in which he criticised had on the text. Francken also said a lot of respect for the work of ambassador Jean-Luc Bodson, that the negotiations for our country had led, “but we always continue to say that we had problems with the text.”

The UN-migratiepact is not legally binding, but there are legal issues, that also say a lot of lawyers and the federal public service Home Affairs, according to the (ex-)secretary of state. He was referring to the family from Aleppo that asylum wanted in our country and final equivalent received from the court. The decision was eventually suspended after a judgment of the European court.


Theo Francken beat a mea culpa: “we Have the text gevetood? No, even though we had expected that they should do”. But he referred to the attempts of our country to get around that time a seat in the UN Security council to get hold of. “Hungary was the only european union country that opposed the pact, resisted, and only with Orbán against his was diplomatic, not realistic”, he acknowledged. Then also Austria, the European chief negotiator, afhaakte, changed the case.