In the world of paleo and vegan eating a combination of pegaaniruokavalio began to gain visibility. Helsinki Jenni has been seven years in pega. Have you heard pegaaneista?Pega they are vegans, who eat the paleo-diet.Ravitsmustieteilijän with gluten does not have to avoid.

pega my diet is paleo and veganism, I love the alliance, and formed so that approximately 75 percent, i.e. the vast majority, the food is vegetable-based foods and consists mainly of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, but 25% of food consists of responsibly produced meat, poultry and fish.

Wheat, gluten and dairy products to the diet does not belong, such as no sugar, either.

Nutrition docent and university lecturer mary alice Erkkola has so far not come across pega my diet, but keep it in qualitative terms, however, relatively good.

– But gluten avoidance is in my opinion pointless. Diet healthy key would be to avoid food density low-quality refined carbohydrates, not gluten.

her children, for example, well-formed fish vegetable diet beat peganismin the nutritional quality point of view, because there is a whole grain and rye bread, which is a key source of fiber.

Jenni Katajamaa has been seven years in pega.

Fortunately, pega my diet remains gluten-free oats, that is rich in soluble fiber.

Erkkolan the research team will examine, inter alia, children’s vegan diets. Her diet’s nutritional adequacy in terms of it’s safer, when a vegan diet is imported food-substances that protect critical vitamin D, vitamin B12, iodine and iron, as well as a full-value protein intake.

– in This case, no longer need to take care of these critical nutrients with sufficient intake for safeguarding food supplements as well as supplements out food.

Wheat, gluten, dairy products and sokeriahan some avoiding now anyway. Is the pega my diet is still something new?

Maybe what is new is a certain greater flexibility point of view; meat, poultry and fish can eat within a certain range. I think it’s a positive thing.

Listen body

wellness coaching and personal trainer Jenni juniper country according to much wheat to consume stomach a measly finns could, however, benefit from pega to my diet like a completely wheat-free and gluten-free food.

I Must remember, however, that the response is individual. Cereals cultivation and, for example, bread-baking involves a lot of other things, and not response always related only to grain but, for example, cereals breeding, pesticides, mold, or even to bread and other grain products added yeast or other additives.

Katajamaa believes that many finns would benefit from the fact that they listen to their own body signals more. Her most do not know how to connect their symptoms to the diet.

– in Addition to the symptoms it is used to medicate the quiet, although the body tries to signal that all may not be well.

juniper country, according to the food hypersensitivity of the symptoms may include: heartburn, bloating, flatulence, abdominal pain, stuffy feeling in my sinuses or throat, itchy ears, stuffy feeling in the stomach, leaking and/ or dry eyes, fatigue after eating and skin rashes.


Katajamaa is self-adhered to a lot of pega my diet resembles the paleo for seven years and keep the subject in a blog called Paleomaa.

Also paleossa eat a generous amount of fresh vegetables and fruits.

– Paleossa the main theme is true, as far as possible unprocessed food eating.

If pegaaní-diet to follow, its absolute advantage is a huge amount of vegetables. Vegetables is rich in particular dietary fiber, which is good for the intestinal bacteria and thereby improve your health on multiple levels.

Vegetables health benefits is also a generous amount of antioxidants and fytoravinteita. Vegetables also contain plenty of potassium, which among other things lowers blood pressure.

pega my diet in can eat a little meat. What about dairy products?

Milk and milk products Erkkola refused to sign unhealthy.

– Milk and dairy products are not unhealthy. They will diversify your diet and combat proven type two diabetes.

a Key issue in dairy, avoid relation to the Erkkolan opinion, is what the milk replaced.

Katajamaa, who does not eat dairy products paleo-learning in accordance with, the milk and milk products are healthy to disagree.

Milk can be a pesky product for body and eye allergies colds or sensitization is the most common. Many will experience a benefit from milk products out of the submission. In addition to great taste with sugar and other flavourings flavoured plant-based milk drinks has a lot to offer, and they are generally also easy to use.

If pega my diet to try, how lazily the vegetables using the finns would tackle the task and change their diet so that it consists of 75% vegetables and fruits?

not Everything needs to be now able and had time to do it yourself. We have a great vegetable semi-finished your selection, which should be utilized in more versatile ways. Recipes can boldly replace at least part of the meat with vegetables, an associate professor of Erkkola encouraged.

pega my diet consists of 75% plant foods, and 25 percent responsibly produced meat products. Wheat, gluten or dairy products is completely avoided.

– When we eat unprocessed real food, usually sitkeäkin excess weight leaves easily fall, and not eaten the quantities of food required to be calculated. It is disappointingly common that people eat too little real food and in many cases the energy demand is not reached, wellness coaching Jenni Katajamaa tell.