“I’m madly in love.” The 72-year-old singer Renaud announced his marriage to “Cerise”, the nickname he gave to his partner Christine, in the columns of La Nouvelle République on February 1.

The interpreter of Laisse concret specified the date of his union with Cerise, around twenty years his junior. “I’m going to marry her in May 2024,” he declared to La Nouvelle République, during his visit to Tours for a concert on February 2. This is the singer’s third marriage. The latter has already married in the past Dominique Quilichini, the mother of his daughter Lolita as well as Romane Serda, the mother of his son Malone.

Renaud met his partner several years ago, before forming a relationship with her in 2020. “Her arrival in my life changed everything. She has been following me for thirty years, but we first met six years ago on a TV set. She wore cherry earrings, unforgettable! That’s why I call her Cerise,” he told Le Parisien last April.

And to the delight of fans, Renaud also spoke to La Nouvelle République about writing a new record on the theme of love. “What drives me most is love,” he emphasized to our colleagues. This new album would arrive in stores in 2025.