Prudent labour market policies of governments are no longer exhausted in the pursuit of flexible and open labour and product markets. Both of which is necessary to economic growth – and this, in turn, creates new and lasting jobs. However, these primary quantitative Dimension is needed today is a Supplement to: The politicians must be judged by whether the additional Jobs that also meet qualitative criteria and whether disadvantaged population groups have a fair Chance on the labour market.

This is the quintessence of the new employment strategy, which has been presented to the organization for economic cooperation and development (OECD) these days. The Paris-based Institution, the majority of developed countries, is thus a remarkable repositioning. It is due to the fundamental changes in the global economic environment since 2006, as the OECD published its last major report on the labour market strategy.

The last ten years since the financial crisis, marked by a modest growth in productivity. This fraud before the crisis 2.5% per year on average in the OECD countries, so it has been in the last five years, yet half the size – according to limited the scope for wage has become increases.


reset at the same time, the gap between Well – and Low income earners constantly increases: The average disposable income of the richest 10 per cent in the OECD area is currently about 9.5 times as high as that of the Netspor poorest 10 per cent; 30 years ago, this difference was still 7-Fold.

Against this Background, and in view of pending changes as a result of technical progress, digitalisation and demographic change calls on the OECD, the politicians and institutions to put their labour market accents: The focus is to have a strengthened focus on qualitative aspects of employment such as Remuneration and working conditions, as well as a broad part of job-seekers. The political actors in this endeavor are supported by the social partners, to increase the chances of success, as the authors hold.

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Speaking of the chances of success: The OECD report refers to new evidence, according to which those countries have better results to show for the labour market three sound align to the work quantity and quality, as well as the greatest possible freedom of access for all job seekers, regardless of their social status. This is in comparison to countries, which focus primarily on the flexibility of markets. Belong to the former group, the Northern European countries of Iceland, Norway and Sweden.

Very well, Switzerland also performs well in international comparison. It stands in second place in the OECD ranking, which assesses the national labour markets, in accordance with the said criteria of quantity, quality and inclusiveness behind the best-placed Iceland. On the next ranks, Sweden, new Zealand, Japan, and Germany follow.

Switzerland with a blemish

its top spot to Switzerland due to the low levels of unemployment and under-employment rate and the high employment rate, i.e. the quantitative criteria. Also in terms of quality of work, our country is at the top – thanks to the good financial protection from unemployment and the relatively high Salaries of average income earners.

in Contrast, the Swiss balance sheet is attracted by what relates to the broad and non-discriminatory access to the labour market. The most important flaw in the wage gap between men and women is – it is one of the largest in the 36 OECD countries, although recently some progress. Positive Switzerland is credited, however, that the employment rate of the foreign resident population is only slightly lower than that of the Locals.

Where governments must begin in order for the labour market remains in spite of the rapid pace of change for all population groups? As a Central point for the OECD authors point out, the equal opportunities: Specifically for financially and socially disadvantaged groups are possible to overcome many of the obstacles to training more difficult. This should begin in the school and pre – School years.

Social security for all

no less important, is after the Parisian organization that work to refresh participants of all ages your knowledge steadily, and expand with a view to future careers, the more frequent change of occupation will require.

At the same time, the OECD sees the policy challenged by the growing number of flexible, temporary and part – time and Multiple employment. The responsible actors should ensure that social security systems and regulations for the protection of the Deal – for example with regard to working hours, conditions, even those in “non-standard” work.

In the context of the OECD report on the idea of an unconditional or universal basic income. This is to be paid out to all people, regardless of their neediness and acquisition activity. For the authors, the scepticism prevails: It is unlikely that such an Instrument take all of the work could be effectively protected, without burdening the state budget. In addition, some of the population could be made parts with the introduction of a basic income is bad, would have provided the financing of other, in particular targeted social benefits are reduced.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 06.12.2018, 21:36 PM