MejlaIngvar Persson+ FÖLJÅSIKTP-a fine shall not be a guldgruvaI Solna ports road safety in the other hand Aftonbladet leader board independent social democratic.Photo: Krister Hansson / AFTONBLADET / 3950LEDARE

If you intended to take the car to Solna, it is perhaps time to think again. The risk to get parking tickets, also for minor mistakes, is imminent. And it is no coincidence.

According to the local newspaper, right in İmajbet the Middle and Aftonbladet have the municipality and the private company Nokas, which manages parkeringskontrollerna set up a goal for how many fines will be issued. Cashiers that Aftonbladet has spoken with tells us how bötesmålet affect their work. On average, they are expected to print at 1.7 bötesförelägganden in an hour.

Controllers ”chasing sticks”

In practice, it has resulted in a control that is more about ”chase the sticks” than to ensure road safety or accessibility. Nokas employees in Solna, describes how they are forced to wait out the cars whose parkeringstid is about to go out, the way the cars parked some feet too close to an intersection is patched and how a single evenemangskväll at Friends arena can be pure gold mine in the hunt on the quota.