“People who complain about racism are victimists,” Ahmed Sylla said in an interview for the Purebreak website. The comedian did not fail to be called to order on social networks, particularly after the broadcast of a video that went viral in which a young woman, named Assia, was the victim of Islamophobia in a bakery.

In this interview, the actor starring in the comedy Ici et là-bas declared: “Everyday French people are not racist. When we go to get our bread… There are racist situations, there are real problems, I don’t deny it but most of the time, when we go outside, we are not confronted with racism.

After being questioned on social networks, the comedian apologized in a long post. He explained that he had “underestimated the seriousness of racism in France” and promised “to become better informed on the subject”.

Ahmed Sylla finally estimated that there was indeed “a rise in racism in France”. “In my response, I also spoke about systemic racism (…), I am very aware of the existence of discrimination that people encounter at work, in accessing housing, in healthcare,” he said. affirmed.

After noting that his individual prism “was biased”, the 34-year-old actor gave his support to Assia. He assured that he would always “side” with all those who suffer racism and all forms of discrimination head-on.