The decree-law for new hires in school has become law. Interested in the measure more than 50 thousand teachers of the secondary school that will hope to play a role, as teachers of the catholic religion for which it is intended that a new selection. The law also covers the rules for a greater attention to the continuity of the teaching and for the simplification of procedures for the recruitment and stabilization of the public research Entities.

The law approved today in the Senate, he has converted the decree 126/2019 for the reduction of the precariousness of the school staff, and the public research Institutions.
“The school, the university and the research must return to the centre of the political, also economic, of a Country. With the approval of the decree school, we make a step forward,” said the minister of Education, Lorenzo Fioramonti. Satisfaction was expressed by the deputy minister Anna Ascani (Pd) and by the under-secretary Lucy Jay (M5S), while they are still critical of the unions, particularly with regard to the economic treatment.

competitions . The text provides new competitions for teachers with almost 50 thousand assumptions. Approximately 24,000 new teachers will be able to get in the chair, starting from the next school year with a competition in the ordinary. The same number of chairs will be available with a special competition. The measure expands the audience of aspiring teachers, who may participate in this selection, extraordinary and achieve the qualification. The announcement of the secondary school of the state I and grade II is open to teachers with at least 36 months of service (starting from the 2008/2009 school year). The competition, which will be launched at the same time to the ordinary, will be able to participate for the positions of support teachers who are doing the postgraduate course, in addition to those already specialized.

it Is expected the participation, for enabling, in addition to the professors of the matching, also for teachers of vocational education and vocational training (IeFP). The service carried out in state schools in the framework of the regional projects to combat the phenomenon of early school leaving is considered to be valid for the purposes of participation in the procedure the extraordinary.

After 16 years, it will open a new contest for teachers of catholic religion. The notice will give a weight to previous experience of work, in the recognition of a score on the service performed, and providing for a reserve of places. The teachers who have already won a competition, or are registered in the Rankings to Exhaustion (GAE), and waiting to be placed on the role, can now ask to be hired even in regions different from those of their ranking. In addition, the winners and the eligible of the competition held in 2016, will be able to enroll in the rankings of merit for exhaustion formed on the occasion of the special competition in 2018. In this way they will have a new and additional opportunity to be placed in the role.

To the teachers that it was not possible to take the places vacated by the fellow retired to a share of 100′ will be recognized, immediately, the entry in the role for legal purposes. Choose the place with priority over mobility and appointments to indeterminate time of the next school year. The rankings of the institute are re-opened and accompanied by new provincial candidate list for the allocation of positions in certain time.

teaching continuity . You will be guaranteed the continuity of teaching, with the stay for 5 years in the same place of employment of teachers newly-hired employees. Always to ensure continuity in teaching for the academic year 2019/2020, the graduates of the master’s recipients of rulings that involve the loss of the role, you will be guaranteed to stay in the service until the end of the teaching activities. Is increased the coding in the initial training of teachers.

Excluding fingerprint . For all school staff is confirmed, the exclusion from the recognition biometric attendance. Are internalised cleaning services and other auxiliary services in the schools of every order and degree. For the so-called former LSU, is provided for an extension of two months to allow stabilization. In this way, it will be possible to organize for a better coordination between the labor demand and the places available. The measure approved by the Senate also provides for a second phase of the procedure of stabilization that will allow you to retrieve the remaining places may be available by allowing you to participate with the requirement of 5 years of service.

Specific measures are also provided for the staff of precarious public-sector research Institutions. A special recognition will be given to experience gained in the various areas of Italian scientific research. Increases, also, from 6 to 9 years, the duration of the National Scientific Qualification.

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