Brain functioning is essential that small little brain of internal cilia are working as they should.Neuroscientist Minna Huotilainen tell me, is it a worrying sign, if you suddenly do not remember very familiar person’s name.

Brain research is a difficult discipline, because the living human brain is not just able to explore.

New information becomes still constantly.

the zebra fish aivopoimuihin familiar with Norwegian researchers reported that one of the brain functioning of the essential factor is the brain’s internal cilia.

Cilia are extremely thin and small-sized hairs, which have the surface of cells.

Cilia tasks are often related to fluid mobility.

If the brain’s internal cilia do not function normally, may result in serious neurological diseases, for example, scoliosis or hydrokefalia, i.e. the so-called hydrocephalus.

the Study of the brain of cilia importance of the publication Current Biology.

Hair and cilia very fotolia business than sperm

the Brain’s internal fluids circulation värekarvoilla is of crucial importance. Fluid movement needed to make the connections of the brain between different parts of the work.

If the cilia do not move, the brain fluid motion decreases, and the essential connections of the brain between the components may weaken the severe consequences.

the Norwegian research they use in their study of zebra fish, that their brain structure are suitable to be studied.

according to the researchers värekarvoihin related business is the propeller of the countries. The same species movement has been found in sperm at the helm, i.e. the tail movement.

Cilia activity is probably also connected to how well your brain stay youthful, healthy and refreshed.