“Anyone who insulted vest with a Yellow, insulted my father.” This is the title of the writer Édouard Louis, published in the cultural magazine “Les Inrockuptibles” some thoughts on the movement of the yellow West. Berlin know the young author since the early summer, as the theatrical version of his autobiographical novel “In the heart of the violence”, celebrated the stage Premiere. In brief, the German Translation of the autobiographical novel to appear in “Who killed my father”: The writer in search of explanations for his unhappy Childhood and the Suffering of his father under the “mort sociale”, their social Non-existence.

To the current protests, writes Louis: “I find it hard to describe the shock I felt at the sight of the first images of the gilets jaunes. The body I saw there, reminded me of the body of my father, my brother, my aunt. … People of misery and poverty, ruined health, said again and again, every day of my Childhood: We do not count; no one talks about us. That’s why I felt like that made personally by the contempt and the violence of the Bourgeoisie has been overthrown in this movement. Because I felt that anyone who insulted a yellow vest, so that my father insulted.“

It is, as the reality of supply in France, the images for a neo-Marxist discourse, the Louis together with the sociologist Didier Eribon and the philosopher Geoffroy de Lagasnerie for months anywhere in Europe. While Eribon cleans up with his “returning to Reims” with the Illusion that the working class was left, and de Lagasnerie against shift to the right and the new homophobia is involved, the novelist Louis the emotional injuries of the proletarian figures from his Childhood.

Édouard Louis 2017 at the Frankfurt book fair.Photo: AFP/Daniel Roland

In the class the new left in the triumvirate of France, conditions, a structural violence. That their victims do not want to endure, surprised at this vehemence of many, and keeps the French media landscape. On the photos in the Newspapers, Louis, he saw the body, as they appear never in the media: “suffering body, destroyed from the work, the exhaustion, the Hunger, the constant humiliation by the ratio of the Dominant to the Dominated. Destroyed by social and spatial exclusion. I saw exhausted body, exhausted hands, bowed bones, tired eyes.“

A Youtube Video of the Bretonin Jacline Mouraud was a trigger for the movement. You spoke of the rising gasoline prices, the taxes and the arrogance of those in power in Paris. If now in the province every day, people at intersections, and traffic circles will meet to blockages, then citizens know, there is poverty so far only as Isolated have experienced.

Louis lashes out at the media reaction to the protests: they paid tribute to the yellow West, condemned you, or made fun of. “In the social networks circulated words such as ‘barbarians’, ‘idiots’, ‘rednecks’, ’thugs’. The media spoke of grunting. The under layer is not revolted, no, they grunt, like animals.“

La “grogne” was the keyword in a media landscape that’s hard to find the classification of the movement. She is in a relationship with any established party, no trade Union or social grouping. Of course, both Marine Le Pen and her Rassemblement try National as well as the left-wing populist Jean-Luc Mélenchon and La France Insoumise, the yellow vests for your policy. But a real connection to the movement, both have not. During a television appearance Mélenchon praised the movement as the beginning of a Pasgol Revolution of the citizens, which was made more serious, as many women are active. Women were the last instance of social cohesion, and in the past, they had decided to revolutions.

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Also, the philosopher Alain Finkielkraut has said, the yellow West; he considers you a worthy expression of despair about the precariousness of many people’s life circumstances. Brigitte Bardot was to the top of the stretched thumb in a yellow safety vest taking pictures. Actors like Franck Dubosc wishes via a video message a lot of success; the Chansonnier Pierre Perret speaks of the poor living standard of many French politicians were cut off from the reality. Numerous television presenters showed solidarity. And Ex-President Francois Hollande said back in mid-November, one must understand the rage.

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