
Kyrgyzstan authorities have successfully thwarted the activities of a clandestine radical group promoting Daech ideology. The State Committee for National Security (GKNB) reported that the group members were actively spreading terrorist photos and videos to recruit young people. A total of 15 individuals were arrested in the capital city of Bishkek and across the country. It was revealed that one of the group leaders was taking orders from a Daech member in Afghanistan known as Daech au Khorasan (EI-K).

Daech au Khorasan, described by the United Nations as the “greatest terrorist threat in Afghanistan and Central Asia,” poses a significant security risk to the former Soviet republics in the region that border Afghanistan. Concerns have escalated following Daech’s claim of responsibility for the March 22, 2024, terrorist attack in Moscow, which resulted in at least 144 casualties, making it the deadliest attack in Russia since 2004. Initially, Ukrainian authorities were blamed, but Russian officials later acknowledged Daech’s involvement and detained suspects from Tajikistan.

Kyrgyzstan, a secular country with a predominantly Muslim population, frequently announces the arrest of suspected members of various terrorist groups, particularly in the more religiously inclined southern region of the country. In Afghanistan, the security situation has slightly improved since the Taliban regained power in August 2021. However, several armed groups, including Daech, continue to claim responsibility for attacks, exerting constant pressure on the region. The ongoing efforts to combat terrorism remain a top priority for the authorities in Kyrgyzstan and neighboring countries in the face of evolving threats.

Overall, the recent arrests in Kyrgyzstan underscore the ongoing challenges posed by extremist groups and the importance of international cooperation in addressing terrorism. The authorities’ vigilance and swift action in disrupting the activities of Daech supporters demonstrate a commitment to maintaining peace and security in the region. As the global fight against terrorism continues, it is essential for countries to remain united in their efforts to combat radicalization and prevent further acts of violence. The coordinated approach taken by Kyrgyzstan serves as a reminder of the collective resolve needed to counter the threats posed by extremist ideologies and safeguard communities from harm.