The CFDT will not file a strike notice in the public service “at this stage” for the Paris Olympic Games, having “no desire to spoil this festive moment”, assured Marylise Léon, the general secretary, on France 2 on Friday. of the confederation. “This is not on the agenda for the CFDT. We are in the framework of negotiations, so at this stage, no notice of strike in public services for the CFDT,” she declared.

The CGT announced Thursday that it would file strike notices in the public service for the period of the Games (July 26 – August 11). Marylise Léon added that currently it was “negotiation time” without ruling out resorting to a strike if it failed.

Also read: Which metro stations should you avoid during the Olympic Games?

“Both parties need to make efforts” but “at this stage, it’s no,” she replied on the advisability of calling to stop work during the Olympics. “For the CFDT, there is no There is no desire to spoil this festive moment of the Olympic Games. So all the more reason for employers (…) to be there and make efforts within the framework of the negotiations which are open,” argued the head of the first French union.

The president of the organizing committee for the Olympic Games, Tony Estanguet, last week called for a social “truce” during the Olympic Games.