Film, In december 1997 the blockbuster movie ‘Titanic’ to the world proposed. One of the most iconic scenes from the movie is the moment where the main characters Jack and Rose making love in a car. The handprint that actress Kate Winslet when left in the car window is 21 years later, still present. That made James Cameron, the director of the picture, known on Twitter.
James shared a photo on the internet of the car in which the iconic scene was filmed. “More than 20 years later, the famous handprint is still there,” said the director on Twitter. The piece of scenery was in all those years, so no crops. The fun fact was already more than 18,000 times and shared on the social network.
About 20 years later, the infamous @TitanicMovie handprint is still there – look closely.
James Cameron(@ JimCameron) link
Although there is the famous scene is actually nothing to see, however, clearly suggested that the two main characters have sex with each other. For that time that was quite a daring stunt. Also, the iconic scene in which Kate Winslet fully naked, he raised some dust.