Veronica Curtain opened his love life IL TV Uncensored day breast program.This confused somesuosikki Veronica Curtain went when asked Villega-relationship rumors!
radio presenter and somejulkkis Veronica Veil , 22, share a Youtube video in everything but the love of his life, he is usually silent.
the Persistent rumors, however, tell you that the woman your sweetheart would be a JVG-rapper Villega . For example, Seven magazine is gloating over super romance for over a year.
the Curtain is own words, follow the ratio of speculations, but admits now:
– Well… Maybe I could say that I’m in love with.
Special correspondent Susanne day of the breast a direct question about dating Villega with mixed women the things even worse. See the Curtain the answer on the video!
the Latest Uncensored day breast section you can find the full IL-TV.
Question rapper Villega was in love with Veronica the veil of disconcerted IL TV Uncensored day breast program. PETE ANIKARI AND ATTE KAJOVA