That documentary series, the Patty Hearst story, starts today with the Theme & Fem.Patty Hearst has told about his experiences over the years in several different context. Yle

a rich heiress, who didn’t want to participate in any way begins today, and the name Patty Hearst story -documentary series. It was done still.

the magazine mogul William Randolph Hearst grandson was kidnapped in February 1974 California-home. He was at the time a 19-year-old. It was the SLA, i.e. the Symbionese liberation army, in English Symbionese Liberation Army. After some time, Hearst announced its support for myself SLA ideology, and the same year in April he participated in a bank robbery. As a consequence the young woman issued a warrant for and arrested. President Jimmy Carter , however, intervened and shortened the conviction length. Eventually, Bill Clinton to pardon Hearst completely.

Patty Hearst’s self-defense by invoking the experience of brutal violence and the fact that he was forced by threats involved in a bank robbery. Raised has been raised also the so-called Stockholm syndrome, where the kidnapped start to take her kidnapper and this views favorably.

Last year, completed the History of the series producers sought to get comments as well as Patty Hearst herself that this relatives. However, they refused to systematically interview requests.

Patty Hearst released yet, last year, a statement in which he questioned Jeffrey toobin’s procedures. Toobin is the series executive producer and Patty Hearst incident told in the book (the American Heiress: The Wild Saga of the kidnapping is, Crimes and Trial of Patty Hearst, 2016) the author. Hearst, according to Toobin approached him arrogant and conceited. In addition, Hearst, through toobin’s romanticize the Hearst experienced by rape and torture.

I’m not interested at all to go through a violent and painful period in my life. Do we not live better than this in the world? Hearst questionable in its opinion, freely translated.

He added writing to its subject extensions listento women (listen up ladies) as well as the TIMESUP and MeToo, which refer to the global circulation. Me too -the campaign aims to bring to light sexual harassment and harassment.

Patty hearst’s story today on the Theme & Fem: 21.00.