Like every year, many French people will take advantage of the May holidays to travel in France. Enough to clog the roads. Rebelote this time: the end of the school holidays in zone B, on the one hand, and the approach of the Ascension Bridge, on the other hand, should lead thousands of our fellow citizens to get behind the wheel.

If the roads remained calm on Wednesday and Thursday, for Ile-de-France residents, the difficulties begin on Friday May 3, warns Bison futé. In the region, traffic will be very difficult in the direction of departures: “Traffic should be dense in the direction of the various toll gates, particularly on the A6 and A10 motorways,” notes the government service. Significant traffic jams are expected, from “late morning” and until “late in the evening”. “The A13 motorway could also experience congestion from the very beginning of the afternoon,” adds the site. It is therefore better to leave the region before midday, to avoid traffic jams.

On Saturday, all of France is classified orange in the direction of departures, indicating difficult traffic. “Congestion is to be expected particularly on the A7 motorways in the south-east, A36 in the Grand-Est region, A13 in the Normandy region and A11 in the Pays-de-la-Loire region,” specifies Bison futé. In Île-de-France, difficulties are expected “from the beginning of the morning” on motorways 16, A10 and A13. They will last all day. To avoid traffic jams, Bison futé therefore advises:

In the direction of returns, however, no disruption is expected. Likewise, the situation should return to normal on Sunday, in both directions. France will then appear green.