is A motorway in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, sunken in the autumn, suddenly, in the Moor. The people lived on the most famous Loch of Germany, the transport rolled through the villages. A temporary bridge was inaugurated, but the country needs to pay the rent.

Thomas Hahn Thomas Hahn

After graduating high school, 1991 internship in the SZ-local editorial office of Starnberg. Civil service in the City hospital of Fürth as a nurse on the ward for Internal medicine. Studying theatre Sciences in Munich and Canterbury. 1995 internship in the SZ-sports editors. After that, work as a freelance Journalist, primarily for the SZ. Since 1. January 1999, SZ editor. For over 15 years for the sports Department in Munich, since 1. October 2014 as Northern Germany correspondent in Hamburg.

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For Hartmut Kolschweski, mayor of the municipality of Lindholz in the district of Vorpommern -, the 12. December 2018 as “a day of liberation,” in the story. The hamlets of long village and böhlen village were not occupied by any authoritarian powers. But the redirection of traffic from the A-20 was thundering since last autumn to their homes over, felt for the local residents quite like a sort of imprisonment with torture.

At the exit of motorway “tribsees” was not glued to the highway in the bog, the people lived on the most famous hole in all of Germany. The alternative route was only able to run about the streets of their village – up on Wednesday, finally, the temporary bridge has been released, the cars and trucks on the rough road. Joy, Breathe. Also in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania transport Minister Christian level (SPD) said he was “very relieved”.

The value of a road you do not notice, when she is not there. The A 20 was long a blessing for Lindholz, brought paid by travellers in the parish and kept away the Rest of the traffic. But then the hole came from. Local have always been of the opinion that you need to build would be in a hurry moved East-West highway, with more money and leisure on moor bottom of the Trebeltals. In 2014, there were first signs that the road gave way on the smooth surface actually. In the summer of 2017 stand and strip and the right lane were blocked. At the beginning of October 2017, the Asphalt sagged to 40 meters in length and tens of meters wide road. Full Closure, The Point Of Martyrdom. The neighbors got to feel, what it means to live on the edge of an endless avalanche. “Actually, this is unbearable,” said a landlady and endured it.

in Each direction only a lane and a pace of 60 – the risk of Congestion remains

1.3 million Euro on the one day of the Cautionary because of speeding, the state Treasury has collected, according to the NDR in the redirection. A regional airline offered flights for sightseers. The A-20-hole, soon to be 100 meters long, also brought what. For the Locals it remained a great burden. The temporary bridge will bring you peace.

The bridge is 773 meters long, consists of 81 steel segments and a cost of 50 million euros. A Dutch company has supplied. The state office for road and transport, pays a monthly rent of 153 000 Euro. In two years, the contract is created, then the A to be repaired 20. The Risk Of Traffic Jams? . For each direction there is on the bridge only one lane and a speed limit of 60 kilometers per hour. Maybe the drops even in the sense of the residents, because the bridge steel joints, the cause when passing over the noise.

An important accessory of the provisional restoration, the speed cameras are anyway. Traffic discipline is to the Minister level at this point is of particular concern, as: “An accident requires a full closure and thus a re-diversion.” Then all would have to re-through a long village and böhlen village. And there the people have really suffered enough.