throughout the two seasons have mesterkokken Eyvind Hellstrøm (70) and presenter Truls Svendsen (46) charmed the viewers through their own TV series, “the Race à la Hellstrøm”.

In the application, where It tries to do the Album to a master chef, and Svendsen trying to get It to loosen a bit on the collar, the duo developed a warm and good friendship on the TV screen. Increasingly, it appears that the two may not be as different as first thought.

Truls Svendsen and his girlfriend expecting their first child

One thing they have in common is their something recently changed marital status. Earlier in the year, during the annual “Gullruten”-utdelinga, showed them off with their boyfriends, their on the red carpet for the first time.

Smith came together with his girlfriend Charlotte Smith (30), and It is with his girlfriend Anita Rennan (39).

We are a couple. We have been together for a long time. We have worked together, travelled together and done a lot enjoyable together, stated It to the Newspaper at the time.

In the weekly episode of the TV 2-the program does not add tv-profiles, as large parts of life have been single men, hide the fact that the life has changed after they found love.

WATER AND WINE: Eyvind Hellstrøm and Truls Svendsen continues its kuliariske educational journey. Here are the two at the wine tasting in Tuscany. Video: TV2 Show more Hot words

In Wednesday’s episode was the christmas eve and ribbesteking who stood on the agenda. Between the beats with the cooking, there was also room for another chat. Among other things, about their new christmas traditions with girlfriend.

There are questions Swirl about how It is usually celebrate christmas, that 70-year-old opens up about kjærestetilværelsen.

According to him even have a celebration of being single never borne the stamp of fixed traditions.

SHOWED off her BOYFRIEND: Eyvind Hellstrøm surprised during the “Gullruten” earlier in the year when he appeared on the red carpet with his girlfriend Anita Rennan for the first time. Photo: Andreas Fadum Show more

But now that you’ve gotten yourself a girlfriend, then? ask Svendsen.

– Got me a boyfriend? Or actually, it is quite correct what you say. I’ve got me a girlfriend, she dalte down from heaven to me, answer It.

the Last time we celebrated christmas at home with her family, betrays mesterkokken.

the Album being completely surprised by the warm words It is part of the boyfriend.

I hope you’re talking to about me when I’m not present, ” says Svendsen.

– Hellstrøm is a wonderful guy, until we come in the kitchen. When I become afraid for him New traditions

For Truls Svendsen’s part, it is apparently only positive things with it to have a boyfriend when it comes to christmas.

Old christmas traditions for him is the rib with the family at home in Tromsø. But in recent years, it has not been so.

Large parts of my life I have been a single man, and have been invited away where it’s been served a lot of different things. I stand not, and the stock rib alone, ” states Svendsen in the program.

But now that he has got himself a girlfriend has celebrating christmas become such he would most like to have it.

– Now that I have a boyfriend, I create the rib. When I did it last it was incredibly good, but I didn’t get sworn crazy, he says to It, which is about to teach him how he can impress his girlfriend with perfectly cooked ribs.

SHOWS off her BOYFRIEND: Porgramleder and comedian Truls Svendsen had with his girlfriend Charlotte Smith on the red carpet before this year’s Gullruten-distribution. Reporter: Ruben Pedersen / Video: Ingrid Cogorno / Clip: Ørjan Ryland View more dad

Earlier this month could Svendsen, incidentally, share the joyful news that he and his girlfriend will be parents together for the first time.

It all, he shared on Instagram.

– Imagine that we two will become three, write the Album to a picture of himself and his pregnant girlfriend.

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Imagine that we two shall be three☺️