It continually pops up the familiar faces in the fake marketing on the web, where celebrities allegedly fronts ranging from slimming products to rynkekremer.

Take a settlement with the illegal use of such images: – I’m pissed off

This time it is the prolific stylist Jan Thomas (52) who discovered to his great consternation yesterday, that he had been abused in an advertising campaign.

Creative-from Health News appeared on the Facebook with a clear picture of 52-year-old, and is all about that Jan Thomas is launching a new slankekur for the Norwegian market.

RESPONDS: Jan Thomas does not seem something that he has been abused in the pure advertisement for slankekur. Photo: screenshot from Facebook. Show more

the advertising campaign writes, among other things, that you can get Jan Thomas’ new cure for absolutely free, and that the “Ake already has gone down 30 pounds”.

Involving lawyers

Reklamemisbruket makes the 52-year-old furious, and he claims to the Newspaper that such abuse is directly illegal.

– It is not everyone that follows me that follows as well, and then it can quickly seem credible to some. They have used a picture of me from the Elle-gala and there is a dirty tricks to get it to look real, but it is directly illegal, ” says Jan Thomas to the Newspaper, and adds:

– People bit on, for I do the part of strange things, but such as this I am going to have me frabedt. The lawyers mine is already on the case and working with it. I will work for that those who are behind get the max punishment for this.

INAPPROPRIATE: Jan Thomas tells Dagbladet that he would never advertised diet pills. Photo: Thomas Rasmus Skaug Show more

Furthermore, adds the 52-year-old weight on the fact that this type of advertising is highly inappropriate, not least with the vast kroppspresset who are present among the youth of today.

” I take responsibility for my own body and want me to keep me fresh. That is my motivation. I’d never been behind the diet pills and this is simply not to believe. I have many young followers, and this is not the message I want to send.

PROJECT: Jan Thomas, and reporter Casper Lehland put on his knee pads, that would make it more difficult to move the joints, the weights of the bodies, bulky shoes, glasses and earplugs to feel how it is to be old. A trip to the store with a couple of challenges got the two to carefully think through what kind of challenges older people to deal… View more Was fronted for rynkekrem

Jan Thomas, is, however, not the first, which experience to be used in a advertising without consent. Also crown princess Mary of Denmark (46) detected to be involuntary fronted an advertising campaign for rynkekremen Perlelux in January of last year.

In a statement that apparently came from kronprinsessen even, was the product confronted up in the clouds.

the CASTLE TOOK ACTION: That the Kronprinsessen, once again, was abused in the advertising, did the Danish castle as the need to take action. Photo: NTB scanpix Show more

– I use almost no makeup and that I have Perlelux to thank for. The product has really improved my skin in a short time, and I can almost not believe my own eyes when I look in the mirror. I love my skin now, and hate to hide me behind a thick layer of makeup. I almost never put makeup on longer, it said in the statement.

“Shame”-Josefine throw clothes in the kondomreklame

the Problem was just that the kronprinsessen never have said yes to be a part of the advertising campaign, and has never given the aforementioned statement.

That the members of the royal family being abused in the advertising, is something the Danish castle look at that seriously. Faced with Extra Blade explained kongehusets kommunikasjonsavdeling that they came to contact Perlelux to get removed the ad.

– It is not allowed to use the royal family in advertisements and marketing, something the current site will be made aware of.

ROYAL BOAT trip: In 2017 took the royal ship Norge jubilantene and their guests on a mini-cruise in the Oslo fjord. Video: Marie Røssland Show more Show more Not the first time

This is also not the first time the Danish kronprinsessen being abused in marketing. In 2016 appeared advertising on the web for weight loss pills Pure Cambogia Ultra and Pure Life Cleanse, where Mary reportedly to have said that the pills made the body fat her melted away like butter, without thinking about exercise and diet.

the Masses sorry for the Danish prinsetabbe

“I went down in weight by using the same method as when I had my first child. This method is incredibly simple and effective”, it said among other things in the statement.

Also once started, the Danish royal family a process to get the advertisement removed from the web.

the royal family is experiencing from time to time that a member is used in a unwanted advertising, and then we take care of it, ” said Kirsten Baltzer Kahr in the communication department at the Danish crown to the Danish Here and Now.

Abused in slankereklame again

just like with Mary and Jan Thomas has also crown princess Mette-Marit (45) experienced that the fake marketing campaigns with pictures of her have popped up here and there.

In 2017 created the big headlines when it seemed to be a crown princess Mette-Marit that advertise for diet pills, appeared on several foreign websites. Last summer showed, however, creative is back up again. This time on, among others, the british storavisa the Daily Mail’s website.

Mette shocked the royal family: – I have 23 kg less, was it written in an ad on the website of the british tabloidavisa.

When you then pressed up, emerged a fake NEWSPAPER article with what should be an interview with kronprinsessen about diet pills.

FALSE ADVERTISING: last summer was kronprinsse Mette-Marit once again abused in fake slankereklamer. Photo: Screenshot View more

According to the fake creative to Mette-Marit claim that these pills have helped her with weight loss.

Even though it could look like this, had not the VG something with the case to make.

NORWEGIAN: crown princess Mette-Marit think it is important that Norges Mållag has uttered critical that princess Ingrid Alexandra goes to a school where she is exempt from learning nynorsk. Video: NTB Scanpix Show more Show more

According to the Castle’s assistant communications manager Sven G. Gjeruldsen, it is not always easy to find the sender of these fake commercials.

From time to time have sprung up such ads and then we try to get in contact with those who are behind to get the ad removed, told Gjeruldsen to the Newspaper at the time and added:

– In some cases, it may be difficult to remove them because it is difficult to find out who the sender is.

– I every day is contacted by people who actually believe in this scam