“Ahmed from Järva got to meet Obama: ”Incredible””
“– It was fun to see that he is a completely ordinary person, ” says Ahmed…, the founder of the Järvaveckan. “
“Barack Obama stepped off the presidentstolen 2016, and has since worked with his foundation of the Obama Foundation. The purpose of the foundation has been to inspire and bring people together working for a better future. “
“this weekend was The 300 young leaders from Europe, all working to build bridges in their country, invited to the conference in Berlin. One of these was Ahmed…, 33, who is the founder of Järvaveckan in Stockholm, which Mitti previously written about. “
“– It felt absolutely incredible, it was great to get the opportunity, ” says Ahmed to the Aftonbladet newspaper. “
“During the conference they got invited to listen to various speakers who shared how they work with societal change in their countries. “
“the Audience burst out in laughter”
“When the audience was given the chance to ask questions was Ahmed eager to get to talk with the former president. “
“all of a sudden, he points at Ahmed, then take the time to tell you how much he admires Obama. “
“It’s a great honor to be here. I admire you very much and remember the night you were elected president, I cried like a baby,” said Ahmed. “
“And Obama’s answer made the whole audience burst out in laughter. “
“”Yes, you were probably a baby,” responds Obama and continues with ”You were kind eight years old and was probably hungry, or needed a nap”. “
“the Whole conference livesändes on Facebook and Obama’s response have been seen by people around the world. “
“– It was very cool. It was fun to see that he is a completely ordinary person – and also flattering that he saw me as young, ” says Ahmed, laughing. “
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