Terminating to squeeze in the beloved Pirjo-daughter out of sleep and your health falters. Aira Samulin has realised that he should himself feel, and sick of his.

in the Hallway is a big, old coat rack, which is hanging up a myriad of different hats. Under the coat rack on the floor is shoes. Many of Minna Parikat bling blingein, with the delectable ears and tupsuineen. the Aira Samulin hints to see also the dressing room, which has more accessories. Fashion and dance professional, from the 1950s until recently served a woman does not dress in wall flower sex to enjoy the nightlife, which is enough.

– the Christmas spirit has been since November, because christmas has been here and there. 30 association and friends organise all sorts of things. I’ve gone to, which I work, alongside my missed attempt of the season still talk about the visits made, the 35-year-old Hyrsylän Bend tourism use rotate and at home Airan story saloons resistant Aira said.

Aira Samulin spend christmas mainly children, their children and their children. Part of christmas is celebrated Airalle so beloved Hyrsylän Bend. Matti Matikainen

the Boulevard-home for christmas to remind the living room table are a large flower arrangement red amarylliksista. More christmas Aira experience last Sunday Hyrsylän the bend of a traditional christmas event. A joint christmas party attended by about a hundred relatives, friends and family.

– Hyrsylän Bend is like a santa claus country. Usually there is at christmas time at least the trees fogged and even snow. The house is illuminated and there are a lot of lanterns.

Her party, whether christmas, birthday or name day, or easter, are important.

– it Is good that everyday in the middle of the celebrated things together and regard each other.

Hyrsylän the bend of the party is always one rule. Santa brings each child only one gift.

– gift of the avalanche was a problem for me in my childhood. My parents shared their extraordinary gifts to the village for poor children.

He remembers santa claus brought about by the small, pretty wooden doll’s stroller, which had to give up.

– was very Annoying, but the parents didn’t say, he sneers at the memory.

Aira not want to overwhelm a child to the goods quantity. At christmas she remembers the child the child the child is by putting money on their hobby place. He thinks it is important that children find a hobby that supports their beliefs and feel comfortable with. Matti matikainen ylämummon christmas

christmas eve Aira i.e. ylämummo – such as her children’s children’s children, i.e. on the eve of 9 years need to Sienna and a 9.5-year-old Pine nuts was born invited to spend the Boulevard-home, which will be joined by the family. Food conjures up Hyrsylän Bend with her husband, working children, children Kiti .

a gift with the Aira is a moderate.

– a child of children of children of my gift to the mound I’ve ever grown. Instead I put their hobby to replace the money.

the christmas day program is a lock punch.

Generally has been the deputy to choose where to go, but it would not be a disaster, even if that day lepäilisin.

on boxing day Airan story salon on the Boulevard arrived in the offspring.

– There is missing only the Harper . Patty is an angel in heaven, Aira said in September the 71-year-old passed away from daughter.

Hyrsylän Bend is Airan own christmas world. Relatives and friends will already know to expect an invitation to a joint christmas party, which is celebrated always on Sunday, which at the time coincides with the period of about a week before christmas eve. Matti matikainen pirjo memories

the Loss is very fresh and sore. The question of whether the Aira visit Pirjon grave on christmas, she huff: I don’t!.

I don’t know how it came about? I don’t have graves, the visitor, because the close is there already too much. I think yes Pirjoa every day, he said tearfully and continued:

– I have a feeling like She had never died. I can’t go see where he is at the cemetery. I’m not going to cry, she would rather cry in here. It’s not Pirjo there are.

Aira I love watching old domestic films. He served in the 1940s the Finnish film industry, the director’s secretary. Time in movies flashes before your assistants scrape together the organizers, makeup agents and other familiar. Sometimes also your own daughter or Aira himself.

I Watched recently a movie, which the preliminary data by way was put in the city song. Pirjolla was in that role a half years old. The film’s final scene, Patty is a Ansa Ikonen in the lap of languid happy, beautiful and smiling.

a description of the memories returned to mind.

director Edvin Laine asked whether the child made a description of the break, when he was so adaptable. Couldn’t even cry. The crying scene in her filmed from behind and crying was joined afterwards. The intended three days of footage instead Pirjon scenes were described a day.

a point

Airan is difficult to understand how the daughter’s life changed like a flash of lightning the shock of something completely different when he was sick as a teenager. The power of the mind to the terrible fears and the voices. Spring Pirjo was class valedictorian. In the fall he could no longer school.

Mother’s pain was immense.

I was even Thinking of pretending to my self sick to get Pirjon. Jari, however, was just a little girl and needed me. Jari save me.

Aira has been thinking about Pirjon the meaning of life.

– thanks to Him I made a mental my whole life. Pirjon because I continued dancing, because dancing helped him.

Last year, the backfire

Passed in contains another big stop. In may, Aira had a brain hemorrhage, which is, fortunately, recovered.

Last year backfired this year. Finland one hundred and Aira 90 was a tough year. Lottie, veterans and many people wanted me for something. I wanted to take care of all it related requests and weed out those, which I can do in other years.

it was very Busy. In addition to the home downstairs in the months continued renovation mixed up in the morning a long time sleep Airan sleep patterns. He was really tired.

– Take and adapt for a long time, but somewhere comes a limit. No I can’t risk my health, which was the disease of the attack until a good. The scene was a note that this is not the head and not the tail if I don’t think can me.

Aira get a few people that day I admire the layout of it, how healthy, jaksava and functional she is 91 years old.

I Kind of have to let go a past the ears. Keep yourself to feel himself and sick of his. I’ve reduced the less important makings.

He thinks that living alone contributes to coping.

I’ve lived for 15 years alone. I don’t need to stress about that should think about another attitude towards goings. I can fall asleep when put to sleep and sleep though the whole day. I can save my energy to those things that must be done. That’s why I can still make money and run my business.

the Year pyhineen means, however huilaustaukoa close.