“Airlines want to compensate away flygskam”

“the Passengers’ interest to carbon-offset the flight is low. Now bake the airlines in the cost in the price.nNaturskyddsföreningen welcome the initiative but warn that the focus is directed from the inevitable: that we must fly less.”

“Flying is increasingly out as an environmental villain and is considered to be one of the human activities that cause the highest emissions of greenhouse gases.”

“in Order to meet the increased demands on sustainability has a number of airlines have started to offer climate-offset travel.”

“For example, say the airline is Good since the 1 april carbon offsets in its emissions by approximately 110%. Carbon offsetting is a part of the company’s sustainability efforts, ” says hållbarhetschefen Anna Soltorp.”

” First, we try to reduce our emissions as much as we can by having good and modern aircraft and flying as efficiently as possible and get the access to biofuel.”

“Even the charter company TUI carbon offsets all travel while SAS carbon offsets in youth tickets and eurobonusbiljetter, which together account for about 40 percent of the trips. Other travelers can choose to carbon offset through a third party, but in practice this makes a negligible share it.”

“Low passagerarintresse”

“When we launched this, we thought that it would be a lot of interest, but it has been shown that very few choose to offset their emissions on their own, which prompted us to bake it into the tickets,” says Lars Andersen Travelling, head of corporate sustainability at SAS.”

“According to the airline’s sustainability goals, carbon dioxide emissions must be reduced by 25 percent by the year 2030 compared with year 2005. This will be accomplished through more efficient flight, reducing the load and a completely replaced fleet to the year 2023.”

“– Everything we do is designed to reduce fuel use, ” says Lars Andersen Travelling.”

“society for nature conservation’s climate chief, David Kihlberg welcomes the fact that airlines recognize their carbon footprint and want to take a responsibility for the climate. At the same time, he sees a risk that the focus is directed away from the core problem which, according to him, is that we are flying too much.”

“– Klimatkompensationen does not solve the problem of aviation’s impact on climate, but we need to fly less in order to achieve the climate objectives.”

“Simply put, works carbon offsets so that the one who causes the emissions to pay for the equivalent emissions decreases elsewhere. The reduction can be accomplished by, for example, the purchase of emission allowances, afforestation or renewable energy investments.”

“Threaten biological diversity”

“today is biofuel in the airline industry. Good in the long term self-sufficiency in jet fuel production from forest residues.”

“But not the bet on a biofuel is any obvious solution to the problem of flygutsläppen, consider David Kihlberg.”

“– In the long term it will be climate-neutral as a new forest grows up and replaces the old one all the time in a cycle. In the short term, it is really no difference because even biofuels emit carbon dioxide, ” says David Kihlberg.”

“in Addition, it is cut down the forests a threat to biodiversity that cannot be compensated for by forest plantations,” he believes.”

” Shall we meet our climate goals, we must both reduce our emissions to zero and in addition tie in emissions in carbon sinks.”

“the Norwegian carbon offsets are not currently, but it responds in an email to TT that the company is likely to do so in the future.”

“Emissions from aviation”

“Source: the Swedish civil aviation administration and the Swedish society for nature conservation”