Amanda Harkimo will tell you a couple of got rid of the joint Africa-after the trip.Video Amanda Harkimo tell from the public eye.
Dj Amanda Harkimo is divorced from the tv familiar Lauri Taatsin . Man became familiar with Mary!-programs.
Amanda writes instagram in people to notice their differences, as Lauri has joined the dating application Tinder.
– the Gang woke up thanks to Tinder, there, but the heart of Lewis, a wonderful man. Must therefore be true that the’re divorced, it’s been a while. The african trip was our fault the relationship test that is not läpästy and continued after apart and both go forward, Amanda writes.
Amanda Harkimo is once again single.
the Difference is due to women according to the fact that they were too different. Tinder was Amanda not joined.
oh, there’s no drama, we were just too different simply and on good terms is if we come up and agree were the matter. Now Pori Cabarettiin live sydämmii me because I Tinderis come against!
Sevens, Amanda and Lauri began dating last spring.
the Image.
Lauri Taats remembered Maria!-programs. In the photo she is posing program dates back to the Maria Veitola alongside in 2010. JARNO RIGHT