Otter lost their mothers, but eventually found back home.
the California Morro bay living in a tiny otter to get back with their mother this week, thanks to a local animal rescue facility. Little baby otter being separated from its mother by accident. It was left to their own adventures, when it noticed the mother was gone. People called the animal rescue department little creature. The rescue department estimates the creature to be just a couple of days old. Otter biologist Mike Harris examine your little one and the whole troupe went in search of a little emo.
– Otter’s fine, no wounds or anything like that. It was tired and hungry, Harris told us magazine.
picture of an otter is not related to the case. Stock. MOSTPHOTOS
the Group recording the little otter crying and called it a boat. Parent identify their chicks cry, Harris says.
When a group from otters prefer waters with him and called me crying, one saukoista break away from the group and responded immediately with a yell and began to swim towards the boat.
Harris was released the chicks into the water and the emo grabbed it with him. Although the video of the chick throwing water seems cruel, however it was the safest way, Harris told Peoplelle. If the parent would come closer to the boat, it could have been the fright of the people or the boat sound and go away. If the chicks had been left in the water and the boat would have drifted slowly from the place, not tired chick would necessarily couldn’t swim with their mother.
you Can see a video of what happened here.