Amazon has set its sights on renewable energies. The American e-commerce giant wants to power all its activities with 100% renewable energy by 2025, five years ahead of its initial objective. To do this, it is increasing its contracts with renewable energy suppliers in order to secure its supplies. The American has just signed a power purchase agreement (CPPA) with Engie, covering an electricity production capacity of 123 megawatts (MW) from Ocean Winds’ Moray West offshore wind farm, off the coast of Scotland. The two partners had already concluded a first agreement, in total 473 MW will be delivered by the French to the American. Which corresponds to the supply of 30 terawatt hours over the duration of the contract, i.e. 15 years.
Ocean Winds is a 50-50 joint venture between EDPR and ENGIE dedicated to offshore wind power. The total 882 MW wind farm is currently under construction and is expected to begin power generation this year. Last year, another CPPA was concluded with Google, demonstrating the appetite of American groups for this green energy. Large consumers of electricity for their data storage centers, they need renewables to achieve their carbon neutrality objectives.
Amazon has announced 39 new renewable energy projects across Europe in 2023, adding more than 1 GW of carbon-free energy capacity to European networks. Amazon’s investment in solar and wind projects has enabled it to become the largest buyer of renewable energy in Europe and the UK. “By 2022, 90% of the electricity consumed by Amazon was attributable to renewable energy sources,” says Lindsay McQuade, director of energy for EMEA at Amazon Web Services.
“The Moray West project is part of Ocean Winds’ objectives of reaching 5 to 7 GW of projects in operation or under construction by 2025 and 5 to 10 GW of projects under advanced development,” specifies the band.