Petri Laaksonen composer of the song by two different singers sing the hits of nearly 30 years.Hundred the flash was one of currently the gigs on a break to be morrissey’s last year’s biggest hits.s Pasi Liesimaa/ILPetri Laaksonen is a man of a Hundred lightning-hits behind. ILTV

Composer and singer Petri Laaksonen has come across the fact that people thought he made the big money – thanks to the morrissey .

Tucker came up to heat Four Only life -in the series in 2015 to see the fourth production of the season with one Hundred flash -song, which was originally presented Virve Rosti . Laaksonen wrote the infectious song, once in 1987 viisukarsintaan. The song took Virve rosti of Finland representative for the Eurovision song contest in Brussels. The investment was a Finnish viisumenestys, taking into account the valid. A hundred lightning reached 15. place and collected 32 points. Norway lost as many as ten and the Netherlands 8 points.

tucker’s version of one Finnish viisuhistorian rakastetuimpaan the song blew up the pot immediately. A hit was born and soi publication year indefinitely. Ringing still.

Later, the viewers have voted for dewey’s version of a Hundred lightning-song of life -a series of best song.

But how much does the original composer re-heating, in reality, net of Royalties reimbursement of the season?

– Some of the thousands of.