Estonian media personality got Finnish even death threats for criticising Maria Veitola appearance.I saw Anu Saagim comment statement “I have the world’s most beautiful young woman’s breasts.”
did the finns incurring the hostility, when he was then her husband risto matti Ratia with Maria Veitola sleepover program. Saagim barked Maria Veitola appearance, and continue on the same line last year, yle’s Friday programme. Veitola reviews for Saagim even got death threats.
He himself is amazed still the finns became the nucleus of the subject. On the other hand, many also thanked, that someone dares to say words veitola too.
I didn’t know that he is such a big queen you. Annoying only in the fact that people take the program so seriously. At least he (Veitola) received the Golden Venla -awards – thank you to me! Our ratings are up madly, Saagim told me, laughing.
He was surprised to hear that Veitola got upset, he says. Saagim guess is that in Estonia all the parties would have been just zeal similar stir.
He explains suorasukaisuuttaan that was dissatisfied with the description of the group of the script.
I Was a little peeved that our day had been decided in advance. It was so cheesy. Maybe I was in so bad mood. I looked at that program before our turn, it was so boring! Good, that was obtained at the time of the action. I would have applauded if in your program I would have been such an arcing guests.
Later Saagim was called to the EVS program, but he asked deliberately to occur, a reward of 5 000 euros, because he didn’t want to go into the program.
Anu Saagim didn’t like Sleepovers Maria Veitola program as a guest. Inka Soveri/ILMaria Veitola have Saagimin criticism. Jenni Gästgivar / IL