“Bali before the tourist tax”
“the Money should be used to clean away the garbage and plastic. “
“Now faced with Bali, a tourist tax in order to reduce the massive impact on the environment. nVarje tourist must pay about 90 dollars for to visit the nation. The money will be used to clean up on the beaches and in the wild. “
“Six million tourists visit Bali every year. The beautiful beaches, the världsarvsskyddade the rice fields and the exciting culture has made the country a sought after destination. “
“the Majority of visitors come from China and Australia, but the island is very popular with Swedish travelers. The tourism industry accounts for over 80 per cent of Bali’s economy. “
“But the many holidaymakers are causing problems for the country. Mainly, it is garbage and the huge amount of plastic packaging that tourists leave behind, which destroys the environment, both on land and in the sea. In december 2018, introduced a ban on disposable plastic, such as plastic cups and cutlery. Before 2019, we want to reduce plastic in the ocean, with 70 per cent. “
“You have not yet decided in what way the tax on about 90 sek is to be paid, but proposals have been made to take out via air tickets or for it to be paid over the counter at airports when leaving the country. “
“– Tourists will understand why we are faced with the tax. They will pay with joy because the money will be used to strengthen our environment and culture, says Bali’s governor Wayan Koster to The Independent. “
“Domestic tourists do not need to pay the tax. “
“Bali is not alone in facing a tax in order to stop the mass tourism that hit hard against many cities and countries. Japan recently introduced a tax that all tourists must pay when they leave the country. Venice, Dubrovnik, Barcelona and introduced similar taxes. “