This is very sad news which affects a company manufacturing traditional Alsatian dishes. One of their employees recently died, crushed by a pallet of frozen onions. At the end of February, he handled 660 kilos of this herb intended for making tarte flambées, among others. The tragic event took place in Brumath (Bas-Rhin) the Alsatian gendarmerie indicated today. The man, a 42-year-old temporary worker, died 12 days after being injured, confirming information from Latest News from Alsace (DNA).

The accident took place on February 9 at his workplace, the Kauffer’s company. When contacted, management was not immediately available. According to the regional daily, the man was transported in critical condition to a hospital in Strasbourg. He died on February 21. An investigation was opened by the gendarmerie services in conjunction with the labor inspectorate. When contacted, the labor inspectorate did not respond immediately.