Grow – Tips for your cultivation+ FÖLJBosse Rappne tips: So, take care of your amaryllisAmaryllisens day – so choose the right and takes care of the bästHÄRLIGT at HOME

Sunshine nymph, Caprice, Lagoon, Sweet star, Terra Mystica and Apricot parfait. Finally starting to amaryllisarna show up in stores, one luscious than the other. Gardeners Bosse Rappne at Ulriksdals castle garden offers tips on how to choose and take care of your amaryllis.

Large lovely plump floral bulbs are crammed side by side in the great orangery at Ulriksdal palace garden. Here are white and red, of course, but also delicious aprikosfärgade, stuffed flowers and delicate, floral, striped, and sweet pink. The varieties are so numerous that it is difficult to choose a favorite. And how do you choose the absolute best? Gardeners Bosse Rappne tips on what to look for and how to take care of them.

Photo: Björn LindahlHåll out for the buds on the amaryllisen.

– Yes, it can be a bit hard to choose sometimes, ” says Bosse Rappne. But what you should look for is that a bud has started to look up. It almost looks like the leaves but it is quite thick and then you know that the onion has awakened, that is to say that it is about to be powered up.

Photo: Björn LindahlUndvik bulbs which none of the amaryllisens bud is visible.

Bulbs where you can’t see that a few buds will, it may be wise to avoid. It happens, even if it is not so common, that it will not any buds at all, it is known that the onion is blind.

– Once you have found your amaryllis and the bud has started to look up, then you should be very frugal with vattningen. If you set this inside at room temperature and begin to water that will stem, or rather the cells of the stalk, to be much larger, they become looser and long, and then there is high risk that the stalk lies down or folded when the bells begin to turn out, ” says Bosse Rappne. So during the time the stalk grows, you have to be very frugal with vattningen.

Photo: Björn LindahlStörs you of amaryllisbladen it is only to tear them away.

If you think it will be too many leaves or that the leaves become very long and settles to the bottom it is just to tear off them, amaryllisen do just fine without them. When the buds start to develop and amaryllisen should start to bloom it is time to water so that the actual flower will not dry. Watering it in the same way as your other houseplants.

– When amaryllisen eventually blossomed clear, you can cut off the entire scape and continue watering it like a normal houseplant. Let it stand in front of the brightest window you have, then the leaves will start to grow. Later in march and april, the leaves will wither down, which means that the onion wants to rest. Then set away in a cool and dry place. It is then blomanlagen is formed.

at the end of October, take up the onions, set it in the window and start watering it again. Then it will soon set up new buds.

– It is amazingly easy to get this to bloom from year to year, ” says Bosse Rappne.

Photo: Björn LindahlAmaryllisar – easy to care for and beautiful.So take care of your amaryllis

Select an amaryllis where the buds started to appear.

Water as sparingly as possible as long as amaryllisen not in bloom.

When the flowers begin to turn out, watering a potted plant so that the flowers do not dry up.

When it bloomed over the cut of the scape.

Continue watering it until the leaves begin to wither.

Set the hook it cool and dry.

Pick up amaryllisen at the end of October, set the light and start watering again. Soon the new buds.