It took less than 24 hours for the show project imagined by France Télévisions, bringing together internet stars and athletes, to falter. Tuesday March 12, the channel unveiled on social networks the trailer for this sports day organized on the occasion of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games and which is to be held on April 27 at Paris la Défense Arena. All broadcast live on the platform and the Twitch channel of streamer ZeratoR, host of the show. The event involves 32 participants divided into eight teams to compete in disciplines such as fencing or ping-pong.

A few hours later, the announcement created controversy on social networks and heated debates between the different communities of these web stars. Some Internet users first pointed out the presence of influencers considered controversial. Notably the influencer Ophenya who, at the end of last year, promoted “Crush”, a dating application for minors. Even though she had refuted any link with this platform in a press release, several people protested her presence in such a project.

Another guest subject to friction, YouTuber Tibo Inshape, regularly accused by some of making misogynistic and transphobic remarks in his videos. “It’s still not Stalin!”, reacted fans of the videographer, in turn angry to see the criticism raining down on him. “I’m taking advantage of being in TT (for I don’t yet know what reason) to wish you a beautiful day, take care of yourself and have a good workout!”, reacted the main person concerned in a tweet published this morning.

Faced with the feedback from their subscribers, the headliners of the event then expressed their own surprise around the casting and, more broadly, the organization of the show. “I only knew about my team for the Olympics broadcast and not the captains, and that will sometimes teach me to let things go quickly,” reacted streamer Baghera on X (ex-twitter). “I in no way validate the actions and/or comments of certain participants in this event. I am currently waiting for answers and actions to know the continuation of my participation or not in this day.

On the popular talk show Popcorn, broadcast last night on the Twitch platform, streamer Zerator shared an opinion similar to that of his colleague Baghera. “It’s a problem, we’re not going to minimize it. I spoke to the organization straight away even though I’m not involved in it at all […]. I naively trusted the organization to check the background of the guests,” he explained. “The first images we had of the casting were a few weeks ago and, basically, they submitted a list to me asking me if certain people could pose a problem for the communities. But there are people who were not in the final trailer,” said the videographer, who normally hosts the show.

The young communities of these web stars are also questioning the participation of streamers in an event linked to the Olympics, even though this competition “kicks out students and screws everyone up!”, they write on X. However, the link between the France TV program and the Olympic Games would not have been really explained by the channel. “I was contacted to be presenter of this show […] and I quickly said yes. It was presented to me as a sports ZLAN,” Zerator described on Popcorn, referring to the multigaming competition he organizes every year.

According to the videographer, a press release should be published by the channel soon and several elements of these “streamer games” modified. France Télévisions has not yet publicly reacted. But the first trailer released yesterday on their social networks was removed. The link to the ticket office, initially available on the Paris la Défense Arena website, has also disappeared. All that remains are the criticisms of many Internet users who see it as further proof that television “does not consider it useful to take content creators seriously and, above all, to find out who they invite”.