Art & Literature Chris Dusauchoit teaches children in his new book, My Dog And I how they are with dogs have to deal with.

Dusauchoit (56) was primarily known as a tv presenter of the program ” Animals In Nests’. The dog lover took in 2017 ‘Dogs as they really are’, a non-fiction book that became an instant bestseller. With “My Dog And I,” he translates for the first time, his knowledge on children – because that is important, he says. “Each year, tens of thousands of people in our country have been bitten by a dog. Mostly it happens at home and it is a well-known dog. In most cases, there is unfortunately also a child involved. That is not all dramatic, but the figures prove that there is a need for knowledge and mutual understanding. Dogs need to learn what children are, but the reverse is at least equally essential.”

A correct training of a dog begins with a good understanding of how the animal is put together. He keeps his basic idea from the ‘Dogs as they really are’ that dogs are dogs, not little people or wolves. “My Dog And I’ helps children in accessible language to understand how dogs are the world to smell, see, and hear, and how they are with us, and talk to each other. The book teaches children how dogs them and estimate what they expect of them, what the animals can and can not feel and what they think. Children also get insight into the origin of the dog, his life stages and the principles of a good training.

The book is divided into 12 chapters and was cheerfully decorated with photos of the beloved four-legged friends, clear illustrations, and “well barked!”-facts. The key message is that Chris, with his book hopes to give is that growing up with a dog is a privilege. In ‘My dog and I, ” he celebrates the unique friendship between dog and child. But the book does not say: ‘go there soon to buy’, or: ‘think about it’.